Development of the Learning on Problem Solving by Using Engineering Process of Mathayomsuksa 4 Students by Using Augmented Reality Integrated with Problem Based Learning Method
Augmented Reality, Problem Based Learning Method, Problem Solving by Using Engineering ProcessAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) To develop the Augmented reality technology for problem-solving by using the engineering process of Mathayomsuksa 4 students. 2) To study the learning achievement of Mathayomsuksa 4 students. 3) To study students' satisfaction with learning by using Augmented Reality integrated with the Problem-Based Learning method. The target group was 26 Mathayomsuksa 4 students selected by Simple Random Sampling. Research instruments were 1) Augmented Reality integrated with Problem Based Learning teaching method. 2) 1 Learning management plan. 3) 20-item achievement test. 4) Students' satisfaction assessment form. 5)Problem-solving skills assessment form. The research statistics were descriptive, arithmetic means, standard deviation, and dependent sample t-test. The research results were as follows: 1. Augmented Reality Technology has the highest level mean score equal to 4.68 the efficiency equal to 92.69/80.35, And the efficiency effective on the 80/80 criteria. 2. The Learning achievement score of Mathayomsuksa 4 students who studied by using the Augmented Reality Integrated with Problem-Based Learning method. found that the post-test (MEAN = 16.07) learning achievement scores were higher than the pre-test (MEAN = 9.42) significantly at the statistic level of 0.05. And 3. In the overview, the results score of students' satisfaction assessment on the learning by using Augmented Reality Integrated with Problem-Based Learning method is the highest level mean value is 4.75.
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