Development of Agricultural Product System of Kao Chat Thai Shop in Prasat Thong Sub-district, Khwao Sinarin District, Surin Province


  • Parinyaporn Samaksaman Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Supannee Paopa Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Suthisa Thonglueam Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Jandara Suksam Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Piya Kaewbuadee Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus



SDLC, Agricultural Product System, Kao Chat Thai Shop


This research aimed to develop an agricultural product system of Kao Chat Thai shop in Prasat Thong sub-district, Khwao Sinarin district, Surin province and to study the satisfaction of users of the agricultural product system at Kao Chat Thai shop. The method for studying and developing the system used the SDLC which abbreviation for the system development life cycle. The population and sample were ten employees of Kao Chat Thai shop and three experts using purposive sampling. The tools used in the research included a system performance evaluation form by experts and a questionnaire for user satisfaction testing. The data analysis used descriptive statistics, namely the mean and standard deviation. The research results found that the system had two types of users: administrator and customer. The system could be able to manage system information such as user, product, product type, manufacturing company, customer, product receipt, product order, issue reports, and print receipts. The study result of satisfaction with the developed system overall was a very good level.


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How to Cite

Samaksaman, P., Paopa, S., Thonglueam, S., Suksam, J., & Kaewbuadee, P. (2023). Development of Agricultural Product System of Kao Chat Thai Shop in Prasat Thong Sub-district, Khwao Sinarin District, Surin Province. Journal of Computer and Creative Technology, 1(2), 29–35.