Publication Ethics

Journal of Computer and Creative Technology (วารสารคอมพิวเตอร์และเทคโนโลยีสร้างสรรค์) The journal has established publishing ethics in line with the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the announcement of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Center. Regarding the evaluation of the ethics and principal ethics in Thai academic journals. The announcement was published on July 21st, 2023. Thus, the publishing ethics of this journal include the ethics of the editors, the ethics of the reviewer, and the ethics of the author, with details as follows:

Ethics of the editors
The editors include Editor-in-Chief, Section Editor, and Editorial Board, who have roles are as follows.
1. Do the journal based on the standards according to the criteria of the Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI).
2. Do the instructions for authors, article template, international standard citation format, and publication via website.
3. Consider preliminary articles according to the scope of the journal, correct writing follows the format, and references are to avoid the operations of conflict of interest.
4. Check the article which has duplication, similarities, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and please consider rejecting the problem article immediately.
5. If any article has been published, but there is a report of an ethical violation in item 4. The editorial team should consider and resolve to remove the article from the journal. The articles must be removed by using the watermark for all pages with the text of “Retracted”.
6. Follow up on the quality assessment of the article by the reviewers within the schedule.
7. Assign a section editor from the editorial board to supervise and monitor the evaluation process of each article's quality in a transparent and verifiable manner. The section editor must monitor the evaluation process of each article's quality, consider screening, recruiting, selecting, and sending articles to the reviewers that match the subject area. The section editor should give suggestions for improving the quality of the article and provide recommendations for decision the quality of articles to the editor-in-chief.
8. The editor-in-chief has to decise the quality of articles from the results of assement are as follows:
     8.1 Accepted for publication after passing three reviewers, which is any reviewer requests resubmit the article for reviewing. The article has to be sent back to the asked reviewer before deciding the results of the consideration. The publication article has to be accepted by at least two out of three reviewers.
    8.2 Rejected for article after passing three reviewers, at least two reviewers have to reject it for publication. The journal has to notify the author with empirical evidence. If the author has evidence to dispute the evaluation results, the editor-in-chief should bring the evidence into the consideration process together with the editorial board. Then report the results of the consideration to the author and that the decision of the editorial board is the end.
9. Assign editor-in-chief as final editor to check articles before publishing via the ThaiJo system, then make the complete published journal.
10. Do the journal to be published strictly according to the journal's publication schedule.

Ethics of the editors reviewers
1. Consider selecting and evaluating articles that are not related to yourself or have a vested interest or have conflicts of interest. Consider choosing for evaluation articles that are in line with their field of study or have expertise in the article content. Consider the evaluation schedule to be able to evaluate articles and submit evaluation results within the schedule.
2. Check the article which has duplication, similarities, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and please consider rejecting the problem article immediately.
3. Evaluate the quality of academic articles and research articles according to academic principles. Check the format and provide useful suggestions for authors and readers.
4. Evaluate articles and submit evaluation results within the schedule.
5. Results decision of the article quality assessment is as follows: 1) Accepted the article for publication without editing (Accept Submission). 2) Edit the article, and then send it to the editor-in-chief for decision (Revisions Required). 3) Edit the article, and then send back to asked reviewer (Resubmit for Review). 4) Rejecting articles publication (Decline Submission)

Ethics of the author
1. Consider the scope of journal, article template, correct citation format, and instructions for authors.
2. Do not write an article which has duplication, similarities, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism.
3. If the article has content created from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, please give a footnote in the article.
4. The submitted article must not be under consideration by other journals or academic conferences. Must not have previously published any part or full article in a journal or document resulting from an academic conference.
5. Article submission has to be in accordance with the journal editorial process. The article has to be tracked through the ThaiJo system and email address until the journal editorial process is complete.
6. In the case of decision argumentation of the article result. The author must be clearly explained to the editor-in-chief along with supporting evidence and information for the editorial board considering the results again.