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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Consider the scope of journal, article template, correct citation format, and instructions for authors.
  • Do not write an article which has duplication, similarities, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism.
  • If the article has content created from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, please give a footnote in the article.
  • The submitted article must not be under consideration by other journals or academic conferences. Must not have previously published any part or full article in a journal or document resulting from an academic conference.
  • Article submission has to be in accordance with the journal editorial process. The article has to be tracked through the ThaiJo system and email address until the journal editorial process is complete.
  • In the case of decision argumentation of the article result. The author must be clearly explained to the editor-in-chief along with supporting evidence and information for the editorial board considering the results again.

Author Guidelines

The journal will accept to consider the article which is in the journal scopes as follows:

1) Computer applications, and technology for research, development, and creativity.
The scopes include Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital Technology, Business Computer, Computer for Education, Multimedia Technology, Logic, Mathematics and other related aspects. Moreover, including Technology or Innovation for solving problems or increasing efficiency lead to research, development, and creativity.

2) Education and integration into lifelong learning.
The scopes include Managing Learning Ecosystem, Innovation, Computers, and Technology to enhance the promotion of lifelong learning.

3) Interdisciplinary studies for local and social development.
Interdisciplinary and integrate computer and technology knowledge, and necessary skills for using in career, local, and social development. Moreover, improving the quality of life for oneself, the community, society, the nation, and the world.

Publication Ethics
Reseach Article Template
Academic Article Template
Copyright Transfer Agreement
Instructions for Authors
Editorial Process

Reseach Article

A research article is a manuscript that has the correct research method. There is clarity in solving problems and research results should find new knowledge that demonstrates academic progress or has been academic benefit. The components of the research article consist of the items as follows: Thai Abstract, English Abstract, Introduction, Research Objectives, Research Conceptual Framework, Literature Review, Research methodology, Research Results, Results and Discussion Summary, Research Suggestions, Acknowledgments (if any), and References.

Academic Article

An academic article is a manuscript that has accurate academic content, clear ideas, and presentations that are beneficial to academic work. The components of the academic article consist of the items from Abstracts in both Thai and English, Introduction, Part 1, which contains topics related to the title to lay the foundation for the reader's knowledge and understanding. Moreover, Part 2, which includes topics related to data analysis, reasoning criticism, adding points of argument to show the reader the author's ideas and align with the purpose of the article, and theory and evidence based on academic principles. Part 3 includes topics related to presenting opinions, troubleshooting guidelines, suggestions. Finally, the article should include conclusions, acknowledgments (if any), and references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.