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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Consider the scope of journal, article template, correct citation format, and instructions for authors.
  • Do not write an article which has duplication, similarities, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism.
  • If the article has content created from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, please give a footnote in the article.
  • The submitted article must not be under consideration by other journals or academic conferences. Must not have previously published any part or full article in a journal or document resulting from an academic conference.
  • Article submission has to be in accordance with the journal editorial process. The article has to be tracked through the ThaiJo system and email address until the journal editorial process is complete.
  • In the case of decision argumentation of the article result. The author must be clearly explained to the editor-in-chief along with supporting evidence and information for the editorial board considering the results again.

Author Guidelines

The journal will accept to consider the article which is in the journal scopes as follows:

1) Computer applications, and technology for research, development, and creativity.
The scopes include computer science, information technology, digital technology, business computing, computer studies, multimedia technology, logic, mathematics, and others related to it, including technology, or innovation for problem-solving, or increasing efficiency for research, development, and creation.

2) Education and integration into lifelong learning.
The scopes include learning ecosystem management, innovation, computers, and technology to enhance the promotion of lifelong learning.

3) Interdisciplinary studies for local and social development.
The scopes include interdisciplinary studies and integration of computer and technology knowledge, including skills required for career, local and social development, improving the quality of life for individuals, communities, societies, national and international.

Conditions for publication in cases of duplication with documents that have already been published.
1. The academic article which checked with CopyCatch must be less than 20.0% or checked with Akarawisut must be less than 20.0% too.
2. The research article which checked with CopyCatch must be less than 20.0% or checked with Akarawisut must be less than 20.0% too.

There is no publication fee for all journal processes.

Publication Ethics
Research Article Template (Thai)
Academic Article Template (Thai)
Research Article Template (Eng)
Academic Article Template (Eng)
Copyright Transfer Agreement
Instructions for Authors
Editorial Process

Reseach Article

Research article that has research procedures that are correct according to research methodology is clear in solving problems, and the results have found new knowledge that shows academic progress, or can be put to use, consisting of abstracts in both Thai and English, introduction, research objectives, research framework, literature review, methods, the results, conclusions, and discussions, suggestions, acknowledgments (if any), references.

Academic Article

An academic article is an article with correct academic content, concepts, and clear presentation that is beneficial to academic work, consisting of an abstract in both Thai and English, an introduction, part 1 about the title to lay the foundation of knowledge and understanding for readers, part 2 about data analysis, reasoning, criticism, and critique, adding arguments to show readers the author's ideas, and consistent with the purpose of the article. It must include theory and evidence based on academic principles, part 3 about expressing opinions, problem-solving guidelines, or suggestions, conclusion, acknowledgment (if any), and references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.