Creating and Assessing the Efficiency of Mobile Wireless Device-Based Mathematics Lessons (m-Learning) on Fractions and Decimals Topic for Grade 5 Students


  • Teerachot Lokkathat Pornchaiwitchalai School, Office of the Private Education Commission, Kalasin Province, Thailand
  • Thidaphon Phanphon Pornchaiwitchalai School, Office of the Private Education Commission, Kalasin Province, Thailand
  • Varunya Donsang Pornchaiwitchalai School, Office of the Private Education Commission, Kalasin Province, Thailand
  • Piyanan Sriworakun Pornchaiwitchalai School, Office of the Private Education Commission, Kalasin Province, Thailand



Mathematical Lessons via Mobile Learning, Attitude towards Mathematics, Fractions, Decimals


This research aimed to 1) determine the efficiency of mobile wireless devices in fractions and decimals topic in Mathematics for grade 5 students, 2) find out the efficiency index of lessons through mobile wireless devices in fractions and decimals topic in Mathematics for grade 5 students, and 3) examine the attitude towards mathematics after receiving lessons through mobile wireless devices. The sample group for this research consisted of 32 randomly selected grade 5 students (5/1). The research utilized mobile wireless devices to deliver mathematics lessons on fractions and decimals topic for grade 5 students, including performance assessments and attitude surveys. Data analysis involved means, standard deviations, and percentages. The research findings indicated that 1) the efficiency of mobile wireless devices in fractions and decimals topic in Mathematics for grade 5 students, was 78.17/79.35, demonstrating high efficiency, 2) the efficiency index of mobile wireless devices in fractions and decimals topic in Mathematics for grade 5 students was 0.6865, and 3) the overall attitude towards mobile wireless devices in fractions and decimals topic in Mathematics for grade 5 students was at the highest level (Mean = 4.55, S.D. = 0.51).


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How to Cite

Lokkathat, T., Phanphon, T., Donsang, V., & Sriworakun, P. (2024). Creating and Assessing the Efficiency of Mobile Wireless Device-Based Mathematics Lessons (m-Learning) on Fractions and Decimals Topic for Grade 5 Students. Journal of Computer and Creative Technology, 2(1), 17–25.