Mathematical Understanding on Division of Grade 4 Student in Classroom Using Innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach
Mathematical Understanding, Lesson Study, Open Approach, Level of Development of Academic AchievementAbstract
The purposes of the research were to 1) study the level of mathematical understanding on division in 4th grade students and 2) to study the level of development of academic achievement on Division of 4th grade students after learning with open methods. The target group used in the research was 4th grade students at Ban Bueng Kan school total 28 people, obtained from purposive selection. The tools used in the research include learning management plans, field recording form, voice recorder, and academic achievement test. Statistics used in data analysis included basic statistics and content analysis. The research findings showed that: 1) In an open approach, students have mathematical understanding at all levels. When considering inorganizing learning in step 1: presents an open-ended problem situation. Students had an understanding at the action process level, and some have an understanding at the object level. Step 2: self-learning stage, students had an understanding at the action process level and the object level. Step 3: Presenting ideas and discussing ideas together as a whole class, students had an understanding at the process level and object level, and step 4: the lesson summary step from linking student concepts that occur in class, students can connect and have an understanding at the object level as part of the schema. Furthermore, 2) most students have advanced significantly in their mathematical knowledge of division at 53.57 percent.
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