Development of Educational Game to Enhance English Touch Typing Ability Combined with Cooperative Learning of the First Year Vocational Certificate Students at Phanomdongrakwittaya School
Educational Game, Cooperative Teaching, English Touch Typing AbilityAbstract
This study aimed to 1) develop an educational game with cooperative learning to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria, 2) enhance the English touch typing, 3) study the learning students' achievement through educational game with cooperative Learning, and 4) study the learning satisfaction of students in using educational game combined with cooperative learning. The statistics in the research were mean, standard deviation, and mean comparison of learning by dependent sample t-test. Research results were as follows: 1) The educational game on English touch typing has the highest quality and effective according to 81.07/91.82 criteria. 2) The enhancing touch typing ability for 3 weeks, the students had a high level of touch typing proficiency. The average was 4.83 and have a higher skill level after has been developed continuously. 3) The results of learning management by educational game with cooperative learning on English touch typing of the first-year vocational certificate students, the learning outcome was significantly higher than before at the 0.05 level. 4. The first-year vocational certificate students were very satisfied with the learning management by using educational game and cooperative learning, about English touch typing.
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