Results of Using Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Web for the Subject of Graphic Design, for Students Majoring in Educational Technology and Computer Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University
Computer-Assisted Instruction Development on the Web, Graphic Design, Educational Technology and Computer EducationAbstract
This research aimed 1) to develop computer-assisted instruction on the web for the subject of graphic design, specifically tailored for students majoring in Educational Technology and Computer Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University accomplishing a minimum efficiency rating of 80/80. 2) This research aimed to compare the learning outcomes of students before and after studying and 3) to examine the satisfaction level of students towards computer-assisted instruction on the. The sample group in this research consists of 29 first-year students majoring in Educational Technology and Computer Education, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University, semester of the academic year 2565. The research tool consisted of 1) the computer-assisted instruction on the web, 2) the assessment instrument for measuring learning efficiency, and 3) the satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis included percentages, mean, standard deviation, E1/E2 value, and hypothesis testing using t-test. The research results found that 1) the computer-assisted instruction on the web had effective with a score of 81.20/84.20 which was higher than the set criterion of 80/80. 2) The learning efficiency of students who studied was significantly higher after the instruction compared to before with statistical significance at the .05. 3) The satisfaction with computer-assisted instruction on the web was high with an average rating of 4.48.
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