Adapting the Metaverse to Stimulate the Process of Dharma Education in the Digital Age
Metaverse, Learning Process, Dhamma Education, Teaching InnovationAbstract
This academic article aims to present the adaptation the metaverse to stimulate the process of dharma education in the digital age. Utilizes research and data analysis from relevant academic literature to demonstrate that the metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education in various aspects. It can improve the efficiency of teaching and learning, develop customized curricula and learning activities tailored to individual learners' needs, and create an engaging learning environment that stimulates creativity and greater participation. The use of the metaverse in education brings significant benefits in enhancing the learning process, refining teaching methods, and adapting content to suit each student. However, there are challenges, such as trust in metaverse-generated information, increased understanding and analysis of data to prevent misinformation and data privacy violations. The future of education with the metaverse holds the potential to transform the educational system into a more flexible and inclusive one, fostering knowledgeable and problem-solving individuals, playing a crucial role in personal and societal development.
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