Development of Tourist Attraction Website in Nangmud Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province


  • Akeksit Juntsod Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Rattanagorn Kingmala Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Jandara Suksam Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Winit Yuenying Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus



Website Development, Public Relations, Community-Based Tourism


This research’s objectives aimed to develop a tourist attraction website in Nangmud subdistrict, Kap Choeng district, Surin province and to study user satisfaction towards the developed website. The conceptual framework includes public relations, websites, and community tourism. Data collection methods for users’ requirements used interviewing ten community representatives and three experts of media who were chosen by purposive sampling. Descriptive analysis was used. The data collection of user’s satisfaction towards the developed website using questionnaires. The target group including twenty people of community representatives and twenty people of tourism. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results found that the website divided users into two types: administrators and users. The website could manage tourist attractions, information, photo albums, videos, guest books, and user information. The efficiency testing of the website with experts found that the overall level was at a very good level. The results of the study of user satisfaction towards the developed website found that the overall level was at a very good level.


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How to Cite

Juntsod, A., Kingmala, R., Suksam, J., & Yuenying, W. (2023). Development of Tourist Attraction Website in Nangmud Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province. Journal of Computer and Creative Technology, 1(1), 14–20.