Factors Affecting the Decision to Use Tinder Platform of Millennials Generation in Thailand
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This research focuses on quantitative analysis and aims to explore the education factors affecting the decision to use Tinder platform of the Millennial generation in Thailand.. The data for this study were collected through questionnaires, which underwent testing for reliability and the Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC). The sample consisted of 400 online consumers, aged 18-35, who have either used or are currently using the Tinder platform. The collected data were analyzed using mean, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation (SD). Additionally, statistical error coefficient, analysis of variance, simulated scenario-based consistency checks, and multiple regression were employed to test hypotheses and validate the decision model of Tinder platform users.
The research findings indicate that several factors significantly influence the decision to use the Tinder platform among the Millennial generation in Thailand. These factors, ranked from highest to lowest, include Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Expectancy, and Interaction. Based on the research results, it is recommended that entrepreneurs place greater emphasis on word-of-mouth communication to increase awareness and usage of the Tinder platform among consumers. This will help create a trend and encourage more individuals to access and engage with the platform.
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