วารสารศรีวนาลัยวิจัย (JOURNAL OF SRIVANALAI VIJAI)2025-01-08T20:35:16+07:00ผศ.ดร.ปริญญา มูลสิน Journal Systems<p>วารสารศรีวนาลัยวิจัย ได้จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อเผยแพร่ผลงานของคณาจารย์ นักวิจัยและบุคลากรทั้งภายในและภายนอกมหาวิทยาลัย เพื่อเผยแพร่องค์ความรู้สู่ผู้เกี่ยวข้องได้นำไปใช้ประโยชน์ โดยเปิดรับบทความทางด้านมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มีกำหนดออกปีละ 2 ครั้ง คือ ฉบับที่ 1 เดือนมกราคม – มิถุนายน และฉบับที่ 2 เดือนกรกฎาคม – ธันวาคม ของทุกปี</p> <p><strong>ประกาศ</strong></p> <p><strong>ค่าธรรมเนียมในการตีพิมพ์</strong></p> <p> 1.สำหรับบุคลากรในมหาวิทยาลัย บทความละ 3,000 บาท</p> <p> 2.สำหรับบุคลากรภายนอกมหาวิทยาลัย บทความละ 4,000 บาท</p> <p> ในการส่งบทความผู้เขียนจะต้องตรวจสอบความสมบูรณ์ของบทความตามแบบฟอร์มของวารสารและคำแนะนำสำหรับผู้เขียน หากไม่ปฏิบัติตาม กองบรรณาธิการวารสารขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการปฏิเสธการตีพิมพ์ โดยมีรายละเอียดดังต่อไปนี้</p> <ol> <li>หากบทความมีความซ้ำซ้อนมากกว่า 20% จากการตรวจสอบของ CopyCatch จาก thaijo</li> <li>ผู้เขียนไม่ปฏิบัติตามรูปแบบของวารสารที่กำหนด</li> <li>บทความไม่ผ่านการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่เป็นผู้พิจารณาบทความ หรือ</li> <li>ผู้ส่งบทความไม่ดำเนินการแก้ไขบทความตามระยะเวลาที่กำหนด (ไม่เกิน 1 เดือนหลังจากได้รับแจ้ง)</li> </ol> <p> ผู้เขียนสามารถชำระค่าธรรมเนียมผ่านบัญชี ธนาคารกรุงศรีอยุธยา จำกัด สาขา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี เลขที่บัญชี 441-1-30591-9 เมื่อชำระแล้วให้ส่งหลักฐานแนบในระบบวารสาร และแนบส่งไฟล์หลักฐานไปที่ <a href=""></a></p> <p>ทั้งนี้ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2566 เป็นต้นไป</p> for Considering to Develop Thailand Cruise Port2024-12-23T20:38:54+07:00Ronnakrit Settadaleemarine.rorn83@gmail.comKamonchanok<p>Cross-border tourism, mainly via cruise ships, is a significant channel through which many tourists enter a country. Ports play a critical role in facilitating his influx, making evaluating their capabilities and performance essential. This study assesses the efficiency and performance <br>of three major Thai cruise ports: Bangkok Port (Khlong Toei), Laem Chabang Port (A1), and Phuket Port. Data were collected through surveys of industry operators and experts using a valid questionnaire, which achieved a content validity index of 0.72 and reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s Alpha) ranging from 0.87 to 0.97. The study involved 40 participants from <br>the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), 10 cruise industry experts, and 7 members <br>of a professional cruise association. The findings indicated that the perceived capabilities <br>and performance of the ports were rated highly by related businesses (mean = 3.72), <br>while cruise experts rated them at a moderated level (mean = 2.95). The difference between these two groups was statistically significant. The key factors for the analysis are 18 of 45 related to port structure, 10 of 19 to tourism, and 1 of 5 to ship characteristics. Strategic recommendations include the need for state-supported investments to enhance port infrastructure, particularly regarding berth width and depth. Additionally, There is a need to revitalise tourist destinations; while Thai cruise ports demonstrate significant potential, further government investment <br>is essential to enhance their overall capabilities and performance.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Affecting The Purchase Decision Product The Thong Fah Pracharat Shop Ubonratchathani Province2024-12-23T20:57:05+07:00Sunisa Kongyingaomoay99@gmail.comPranom Khamphaaomoay99@gmail.comMalinee<p>The objectives of this research were to 1) Study personal factors purchasing behavior and the marketing mix that influences purchasing decisions 2) Study marketing mix factors that affect product purchasing decisions 3) Compare factors affecting product purchasing decisions classified by personal factors, The sample used for the research was 385 consumers who purchased products or had previously purchased products at Thong Fah Pracharath shop in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Data were collected by completion of a questionnaire and analyzed by the use of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis, t-test and One-way Analysis of Variance Findings showed that 1) Most respondents were female, aged under 20 years old , had an education level at lower secondary/higher secondary/equivalent, have a career as a student/student, had average level incomes of over 5,000 baht per month. Pay for products with cash and welfare cards. <br>Amount purchased each month 301-500 baht Number of times purchased each month 4 – 6 times <br>per month. The time of purchase is 10:01 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The most consumer products are purchased. The person who influences the decision to purchase a product is oneself. Respondents placed high importance on the factors affecting their decision to purchase products at Thong Fah Pracharat Shop. Overall, they were at a high level. When considering each aspect, arranging the average values from highest to lowest, including product price place and promotion respectively. 2) Factors that affect the decision to purchase products at Thong Fah Pracharath Shop, Ubon Ratchathani Province, <br>include marketing promotion product and price respectively, which can predict consumer purchasing decisions 75 % 3) Consumers of different genders There were no differences in opinions on the decision to purchase products at Thong Fah Pracharat shop, while age, education level, occupation, and average monthly income Different people have different opinions on the factors that affect the decision to purchase products at Thong Fah Pracharat shop.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Local Development Model Based on The BCG Economy Under The Collaboration Between Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University and Teacher Colleges2024-12-23T21:36:54+07:00Anan<p>This research project aims to: 1) identify sustainable local development models based <br>on the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) economy; 2) transfer technology for community product development based on the BCG economy to community enterprises in Champasak Province; <br>and 3) study sustainable local development approaches within the contextual framework <br>of the BCG economy through collaboration between Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University <br>and Pakse Teacher Training College. The findings reveal that: 1) sustainable local development within the BCG economy framework employed an integrated, participatory approach, <br>leveraging resources from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Pakse Teacher Training College and the Federation of Women at Pakse Teacher Training College. This approach successfully developed and enhanced community products for the Silk Road community enterprise and students at Pakse Teacher Training College; 2) the project transferred technology to develop and enhance four community products—mulberry leaf tea, mulberry leaf crisps, silkworm crisps, and mulberry flower crisps. Additionally, the project provided knowledge and skills in marketing <br>to the Silk Road community enterprise and students, who then produced and sold these products at the 2024 Science Fair on January 12, 2024, at Pakse Teacher Training College in Champasak Province, Laos. The total production cost was 172,000 kip, and the sales generated a profit of 270,000 kip, with the group reporting a high level of satisfaction, averaging 4.12 out of 5; and <br>3) it was recommended that Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University and Pakse Teacher Training College align local development efforts with the area’s context by promoting value-added agricultural products or processing local raw materials into community products,as well as enhancing marketing skills to create jobs, generate income, and strengthen <br>the community, ultimately leading to balanced and sustainable development. </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Like of Phetchaburi2024-12-23T22:03:09+07:00Phassareethach Choocherdrose.29112537@hotmail.comPhakamas<p> This academic research had the purpose to study the identity of Like of Phetchaburi which synthesized from the background, components, and method of performing of Like of Phetchaburi. The data was collected from the related research and interviewing by studying information from research, textbooks, documents, and observation. The study found that the identity of Like of Phetchaburi had 4 characteristics; 1) the combination between Like and Lakhon Chatri in Like of Phetchaburi It is a style that brings different strategies or songs. From the Chatri Muang Phet drama show, it is used to mix and match in the Likay performance. 2) the language and accent communication of Likay Mueang Phet is mainly done in the central language. 3) method of Phetchaburi Like’s signing style. The meaning will be emphasized for easy understanding and 4) Role playing in the performance The actor will communicate emotions according to the role of the character. The identity of Like of Phetchaburi had the similar components to the Like from different parts of Thailand. However, the important factors that made up the identity of Like of Phetchaburi were the local performers themselves. The local Like performers’ way of life and culture of Phetchaburi that were displayed in performance made Like of Phetchaburi distinguished from the</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 in Academic Administration of Teachers in Schools Under The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration2024-12-23T22:32:31+07:00Nattawut Wongsabutnattawoot_oa@hotmail.comRatana<p>This study aims to: 1) To study the importance of participation in academic administration of teachers in schools. Bangkok and 2) To compare the participation in academic administration <br>of teachers in schools. Affiliated with Bangkok Manakorn classified by level of education Work experience and school size school year 2566 amount 389 The instrument used in this study <br>was an evaluation scale questionnaire. 5 Level has a consistency index value between 0.80-1.00 <br>is the same as the whole issue. 0.974 Statistics used to study be Frequency value Percentage value Average Standard Deviation T-value test (the test) One-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) and comparison of the difference in average scores in pairs with the Cheffe method (Scheffe’s Multiple Comparison Method)</p> <p>The results of the study showed that: 1) teachers are involved in academic administration in schools affiliated with Bangkok; Overall and individually, it is at a high level. 2)Teachers <br>with educational level Work experience in schools of different sizes. Participation in academic administration in schools affiliated with Bangkok is different, as evidenced by this research. <br>Work experience and school size affect participation in the academic administration of schools affiliated with Bangkok.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Control Factors Affecting Internal Control Quality Classification of Cooperatives and Farmer Groups from The Perspective of Cooperative Accountants in the Northeastern 2024-12-23T22:47:23+07:00Thapanee<p>This thesis aims to: 1) explore the level of internal control, 2) examine the quality classification of internal control, 3)compare the internal control quality classification <br>of cooperatives and farmer groups. 4) examine the quality classification of internal control factors that affecting internal control quality classification from the perspective of cooperative accountants, and the samplesize was 227consistedcooperative accountantsin the northeastern region of Thailand. The researcher used a questionnaire as a research instrument, and statistical methods consist of frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, F-tests, multiple regressions.</p> <p>The research findings revealed that: 1) Overall, there was a high level of agreement regarding internal control factors among cooperatives and farmer groups. They are sorted <br>by average from highest to lowest were environmental control, control activities, monitoring <br>and evaluation, and risk assessment, respectively. 2) Overall, there was a high level of agreement regarding the quality classification of internal control, especially in terms of reliability <br>and compliance with cooperative laws, regulations, orders, and other related laws, respectively.<br>3) When categorized by personal factors, differences in education level and work experience resulted in varying perceptions of internal control quality classification, statistical significance <br>at the 0.01 4) Internal control factors such as control activities, monitoring and evaluation, <br>and environmental control, had a positive influence on the quality of internal control classification for cooperatives and farmer groups with statistical significance at the 0.01 and 0.05. <br>Factors can predict the quality of internal control classification by 41 percent.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Affecting The Religious Tourism Behavior of Thai Elderly Citizens Interested in Traveling to Chiang Mai Province 2024-12-23T23:06:46+07:00Bunyaporn<p> This paper studies Factors affecting the religious tourism behavior of Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai Province. The objectives are to 1) study the conditions and needs for managing religious tourism among Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province and <br>2) find ways to develop religious tourism among Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province. It is quantitative research. Using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, <br>standard deviation (SD). Inferential statistics used to test hypotheses include F-value analysis statistics. One-way analysis of variance.</p> <p>The results of the study found that the factors that affect the behavior of most tourists traveling on religious tourism of Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province are female, aged between 60 - 65 years, and are of retirement age. or do not have a career Domiciled in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Have monthly income from elderly allowance Have a bachelor's degree <br>Health: Tourists have congenital diseases. and see a doctor regularly The factors that affect the religious tourism behavior of Thai elderly citizens who are interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province <br>are the 3 S's (happiness, fun, convenience). Elderly people are happy that they receive from traveling. Fun in traveling and the convenience received from tourism. In terms of 2 P. (safety, savings), <br>the elderly viewed religious tourism in Chiang Mai province as safe. and there is savings gained from traveling.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Relationship between Desirable Characteristics of Ground Staff of Suvarnabhumi Airport on Productivity and Quality for Excellent Service2024-12-23T23:21:22+07:00Nutchirathorn Natesiri<p> </p> <p>This research aims. 1) To survey the demographic characteristics of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff. 2) To survey the desired characteristics of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff. <br>3) To survey the productivity and quality for excellent service of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff. 4) To find the relationship between desirable characteristics and productivity and quality <br>for excellent service. The Research method is quantitative research by collected from ground staff at Suvarnabhumi Airport, a total of 400 sampling and using questionnaire as a research tool. Data were Statistics used Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation <br>(Standard Deviation), t-test statistic, f-test statistic (One-way ANOVA) and correlation coefficient term (Correlation). Research results showed that desired characteristics of ground staff are related to productivity and quality for excellent service going in the same direction, 72.7%, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Theory/Policy aspect showed Suvarnabhumi Airport should provide and support organizing training, exchanging knowledge and opinions, exchanges experiences among co-workers or provide training to improve knowledge on desirable characteristics of ground staff such as second language or third language which will enable ground staff creating <br>their excellent service.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Affecting the Acceptance of Financial Technology in The Work of Kasikornbank Employees Northeast 52024-12-23T23:39:16+07:00Wiphaporn SampaononOayoay2525@gmail.comAnothai HarasarnOayoay2525@gmail.comIrada<p>The research aimed to study and compare 1) the factors that could affect the financial technology. in 2) the performance of Kasikornthai Bank’s staff in Thailand’s northeastern region 5 as classified by sex, age, ranking positions and working experience. A total of 219 samples <br>were used in the research. They were derived by a proportionate random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire whose confidence value was equivalent to .977. Statistics used <br>in data analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis, t-test and F-test.</p> <p>The research found that: 1) Work accomplishment, common values, skills, appreciation <br>of the performance and the organizational structures could affect the acceptance level <br>with a statistical significance of .01 and .05. 2) A comparison of the factors that affected the financial technology acceptance of Kasikornthai Bank’s staff in Thailand’s northeastern Region 5 as classified by sex, age, working positions, and current working experience indicated that the personnel <br>who were different in sex held no different views. Those who were different in age held <br>no different views on organizational structures, and skills. The subjects held different view concerning the performance recognition, job success, and common values at a statistical significance of .05. The staff in different positions held no different views on job success, <br>and organizational structure. however, they had different views on the performance recognition. The subjects held a different view on the skills at a statistical significance of .05. The staff in current different positions did not have different views on job success, organizational structure and skills. However, they held different views on the performance recognition and common values <br>at a statistical significance of .01.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development of Guidance Activity Based on Metacognition Strategies to Enhance Self - Awareness of 10th Grade Student2024-12-23T23:50:47+07:00 Wannipa kodsawatp_nok33@hotmail.comWatcharee Sangboonraungp_nok33@hotmail.comPhichittra<p>This research aims to 1) develop the characteristics based on the criteria of guidance activities according to metacognitive strategies for Grade 10 students, 2) study the self-awareness of Grade 10 students, and 3) study the satisfaction with guidance activities according <br>to metacognitive strategies to promote self-awareness among Grade 10 students. The sample group consisted of 37 Grade 10/2 students from Tharae Suksan School, Muang District, Sakon Nakhon Province, in the academic year 2023. The sample was obtained through cluster sampling by drawing lots with classrooms as the sampling units. The research instruments consisted of three parts: <br>1) Four guidance activity plans, 2) A 41-item self-awareness measurement, and 3) A 15-item student satisfaction questionnaire on guidance activities according to metacognitive strategies <br>to promote self-awareness in the guidance subject. The statistics used included mean and standard deviation. The research findings revealed that 1) students met the criteria characteristics <br>of guidance activities according to metacognitive strategies at 100%, indicating that students participated in the activities and submitted the required work as specified, 2) the self-awareness <br>of Grade 10 students had an overall mean score of 4.08, with all three aspects at a high level, <br>and 3) satisfaction with guidance activities according to metacognitive strategies was at a high level overall in promoting self-awareness in the guidance subject.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024, Needs and Developing Guidelines for Internal Mentoring -Supervision in New Normal for School Under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office2024-12-24T00:05:04+07:00Sudarat<p>This research aims to 1) study the current and desired state of internal mentoring supervision in the new normal for educational institutions, 2) assess the needs for internal mentoring supervision in the new normal for educational institutions, and 3) develop guidelines<br> for improving internal mentoring supervision in the new normal for educational institutions. <br>The sample group consists of 338 educational administrators and teachers from schools under Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office for the 2022 academic year, selected <br>by stratified random sampling. The research instruments included four sets: 1) a questionnaire <br>on the current state, with a reliability of .98, 2) a questionnaire on the desired state, <br>with a reliability of .98, 3) a structured interview form, with a content validity index of 1.00, <br>and 4) an assessment form for the appropriateness and feasibility of the guidelines for developing internal mentoring supervision in the new normal, with a content validity index of 1.00. <br>The statistics used include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the modified priority needs index.</p> <p>The research findings indicate that: 1) the current state of internal mentoring supervision in the new normal for educational institutions is at a high level overall, while the desired state <br>is at the highest level overall; 2) the needs are higher than the overall value, including aspects <br>of supervision implementation and evaluation; 3) the guidelines for developing internal mentoring supervision in educational institutions in all four areas are as follows: 1) Preparation for supervision: educational institutions should prepare in advance, create understanding, and develop diverse supervision media and tools; 2) Implementation of supervision: educational institutions should have a clear manual for use; 3) Follow-up on supervision results: educational institutions should hold meetings to discuss the supervision process steps; 4) Evaluation of supervision results: educational institutions should inform the supervisees of the evaluation results to provide recommendations or guidelines for further work improvement.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Annual Study of Teachers and Student Satisfaction With of The Quality of Education Fiscal Year 2024 Warinchumrab Industrial and Community Education College, Ubon Ratchathani2024-12-24T00:18:03+07:00Chucheep<p>This research study has the objective To study the satisfaction of teachers and students with the quality of education in educational institutions. Fiscal year 2024 Warin Chamrap Vocational College Ubon Ratchathani Province and to analyze and make policy recommendations to administrators, teachers, students, and those involved in providing education to the educational quality of educational institutions. Fiscal year 2024 Warin Chamrap Vocational College Ubon Ratchathani Province classified by gender, age, and education level. The sample used in this research, 325 teachers and students, was obtained using a simple random sampling method. The research tools were a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview regarding the satisfaction of teachers, students, and students. It was a 25-item rating scale with a confidence value of 96 for the entire version. The data was analyzed using ready-made programs and statistics. Used include percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <ol> <li>Satisfaction of teachers, students, and students under Warin Chamrap Vocational College. Ubon Ratchathani Province on the educational quality of educational institutions. Fiscal year 2024, overall and each aspect is at a high level.</li> <li>Policy recommendations to administrators in all 5 areas: 1. Students and graduates should organize activities that focus on learners with morality. 2. Curriculum</li> </ol> <p>and teaching and learning should be organized in two semesters. 3. Curriculum and teaching arrangements Teachers should develop themselves and develop the teaching profession 4. Participation Organize community service and volunteer activities. 5. Basic necessities There is a high speed internet system.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reality Technology in Terms of Being a Media for Learning Social Studies2024-12-24T00:24:24+07:00Didlada Phetkliangaomoay9999@gmail.comRonnakrit<p>This academic article aims to propose guidelines for self-directed learning through Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the context of social studies education. The integration <br>of technology plays a crucial role in knowledge transfer and student learning assessment, specifically in the form of self-study lessons through AR technology. This approach allows students to control content or choose learning paths according to their individual capabilities, unrestricted by location and time constraints. Furthermore, it provides unlimited access to lessons and content review opportunities. Educators can monitor learning progress and assess student performance through this technology platform. A distinctive advantage that sets it apart from other media types is its capability to integrate various forms of media into a single platform. Therefore, incorporating AR technology into teaching and learning processes results in the enhancement of new learning experiences, enabling students to comprehend lesson content more easily through <br>the presentation of information in multiple formats. The emphasis on utilizing technology <br>to support individual self-directed learning significantly contributes to addressing <br>and accommodating students' individual differences. This makes it particularly suitable <br>for application as a self-learning medium or for effective integration with various learning management approaches. The implementation of AR technology creates an innovative learning environment where information can be displayed in diverse formats, facilitating better understanding of lesson content. By emphasizing the use of technology to empower each student in managing their own learning process, this approach effectively promotes and responds <br>to individual learner differences. Consequently, it is highly suitable for application as a self-learning tool or for integration with various learning management formats in an efficient manner. <br>This technology not only enhances the learning experience but also provides educators with tools to track student progress and conduct assessments effectively. The platform's ability to combine different types of media creates a comprehensive learning environment that caters to various learning styles and preferences, making it an invaluable tool in modern education, particularly <br>in social studies instruction.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024, Needs and Developmental Guidelines for Human Resource Development in the New Normal under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office2024-12-24T00:34:17+07:00Saowanee Inthanomkrutui.saowanee@gmail.comTatsana Prasantreekrutui.saowanee@gmail.comSumalee<p> </p> <p>This research aims to: 1) examine the current and desired states of human resource development in the new normal era; 2) assess the needs for human resource development in the new normal era; and 3) develop guidelines for human resource development in the new normal era. The sample group consisted of 353 educational administrators and teachers under the jurisdiction of the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office for the 2022 academic year, selected through multi-stage sampling. The research instruments included four sets: 1) a current state questionnaire with a reliability of .98, 2) a desired state questionnaire with a reliability of .98, 3) a structured interview with a content validity index of 1.00, and 4) an assessment form for the appropriateness and feasibility of the human resource development guidelines in the new normal era with a content validity index of 1.00. The statistics used included percentages, means, standard deviations, and the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI<sub>modified</sub>).</p> <p>The research findings revealed that: 1) the overall current state is at a high level, while the overall desired state is at the highest level; 2) the needs are higher than the overall value, specifically in terms of flexibility and adaptability to situations, and planning and developing skills in the new normal era; 3) the development guidelines are as follows: 1) Planning and skill development in the new normal era - administrators should plan, design, and promote self-development and enhance technological competencies through online training to keep up with the times; 2) Flexibility and adaptability to situations - work processes should be adjusted to be flexible and adaptable, enabling work from anywhere and anytime or conducting meetings online; 3) Creating organizational culture and networking - setting goals and working guidelines that align with colleagues in a consistent direction; 4) Evaluating and reporting performance - administrators should set evaluation criteria in collaboration with staff and support more online evaluations while reducing traditional evaluations. The overall assessment of the development guidelines found them to be highly appropriate and feasible.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development of Simulation Game Based on Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking of Student Teachers2024-12-24T00:54:39+07:00Taree ChainilpanTaree.c@ku.thBoonrat PlangsornTaree.c@ku.thSarinporn<p>The Purpose of this research were to 1) develop a simulation game based on problem-based learning to enhance critical thinking of student teachers. 2) Study the effects of using <br>the simulation game based on problem-based learning to enhance critical thinking skills for student teachers. The sample of the research was 30 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, majoring in Education Program in Dance Education at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, from 2nd semester of the 2023 academic year, by purposive sampling. Research instruments were as follows: 1) Simulation Game Based on Problem-Based Learning <br>2) assessment form for the draft of the Simulation Game Based on Problem-Based Learning <br>3) critical thinking test 4) Questionnaire about student satisfaction on learning by using Simulation Game Based on Problem-Based Learning. Statistics in data analysis were as follows: average, standard deflection, and t-test.</p> <p>The research finding revealed that: 1) the quality assessment of the simulation games based on problem-based learning model, conducted by three experts, indicated that game <br>was at the highest level, 2) 2.1 post-learning critical thinking scores was significantly differed <br>from pre-learning scores at a statistically significant level of .05, and 2.2 students' satisfaction <br>in using simulation games was at the highest level.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Relationship between English Language Communication Competencies of Ground Staff at Suvarnabhumi Airport and Operational Efficiency2024-12-24T01:05:40+07:00Chayut<p>This study aims to: 1) explore the demographic characteristics of ground staff <br>at Suvarnabhumi Airport; 2) investigate their English language communication competencies <br>in the workplace; 3) assess their operational efficiency; and 4) examine the relationship between English communication competencies and operational efficiency. A quantitative research methodology was employed, utilizing a questionnaire for data collection from a sample <br>of 400 ground staff selected through convenience sampling. Statistical analyses included mean, percentage, frequency distribution, standard deviation, t-test, f-test (One-Way ANOVA), <br>and correlation coefficient. The findings reveal a strong positive correlation (88.4%) between English communication competencies and operational efficiency. Specifically, English language skills demonstrated the highest correlation with operational efficiency (82.0%), <br>followed by comprehension knowledge (79.5%), and service-oriented attributes (78.7%), respectively. These correlations were statistically significant at the 0.05 level (Sig: 0.000). Theoretical and Practical Implications: The study underscores the need for the development of English language skills among ground staff. It is recommended that Suvarnabhumi Airport implement targeted language training programs to enhance employees' communication capabilities, thereby improving the overall quality of service provided by the airport.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Effect of Using Peer-Assisted Learning Management on Food and Beverage Service for First Year Vocational Certificate Students2024-12-24T01:17:55+07:00Pennapa Nirat<p>This research aims to: 1) Comparison of academic achievement of first year vocational certificate students in hotel management who studied using peer-assisted learning before and after studying. 2) Compare the academic achievement of first-year vocational certificate students majoring in Hotel Management who learn through peer-assisted learning against the 80% criterion.<br>3) Study the satisfaction of first-year vocational certificate students majoring in Hotel Management with peer-assisted learning. The sample group consists of first-year vocational certificate students majoring in Hotel Management from Loeng Nok Tha Vocational College, Yasothon Province, <br>in the academic year 2023, totaling 40 students in one class. The sample was obtained using cluster sampling. The research instruments used were three sets: 1) Peer-assisted learning lesson plans, 2) Learning achievement tests, and 3) Satisfaction questionnaires. The statistics used include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using a dependent t-test samples.</p> <p>The research findings are as follows: 1) The post-learning academic achievement <br>in the Food and Beverage Service course of first-year vocational certificate students majoring <br>in Hotel Management was significantly higher than the pre-learning achievement at the .01 level. 2) The post-learning academic achievement in the Food and Beverage Service course of first-year vocational certificate students majoring in Hotel Management was higher than the pre-learning achievement and exceeded the 80% criterion. 3) The overall satisfaction with peer-assisted learning in the Food and Beverage Service course of first-year vocational certificate students majoring <br>in Hotel Management was at a high level.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024การพัฒนาหลักสูตรธุรกิจค้าปลีกในยุคปรับเปลี่ยน2024-12-31T17:06:01+07:00Puchong<p>In designing and developing a retail business curriculum in a changing era, there must be information to support that starts with analyzing the needs of stakeholders such as the national strategy, Thailand's national economic and social development plan, the Thailand Qualifications Framework (TQF), the office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, the education institution’s strategy, graduate characteristics, academic and professional experts, and entrepreneurs. In determining program learning outcomes (PLOs) and developing curriculum, curriculum developers must thoroughly understand the curriculum context and understand various situations that will occur both internally and externally that may affect the curriculum. Therefore, curriculum developers must study and understand before entering the planning process, practicing, and controlling. Also, in designing and developing a retail business curriculum in a changing era, there is information as follows: 1) Degree and program name 2) Curriculum philosophy statement, objectives, and learning outcome 3) Curriculum structure, courses, and credits 4) The learning process 5) Readiness and potential of curriculum management 6) Qualifications of students 7) Evaluation of academic performance and graduation criteria 8) Curriculum quality assurance and, 9) System and mechanism of curriculum development. </p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lakon Phanthang Creative Method Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham2024-12-31T17:44:49+07:00Wuttichai Narakaewbas74wuttichai@gmail.comSuphannee<p>This research aims to study the Lakon Panthang creative method Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham through qualitative research by collecting information from printed <br>and electronic documents, relevant research, photographs, interviews and observations.</p> <p>The results showed that the Lakon Panthang Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham was adapted from a historical novel by Khun Chote Praepan (Yakob) by Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham has written and produced 56 chapters of Lakon Panthang Phu Chana Siptit. There are 3 elements in the script play, which are: 1. the story 2. the plot 3. the theme of the story. Because this Lakon panthang is a new dance drama genre. As a result, the process of creating work that different from the original pattern of the Fine Arts Department, whether it be script plays, music instruments, performers, costumes and setting. Which is one of the most successful dance drama of the Fine Arts Department from the past to the present. Which can be seen from the Lakon Panthang titled Phu Chana Siptit often returned to show. Which such popularity caused the number of tickets <br>to be insufficient to meet the demand. Causing to add many more shows. It is considered <br>an unprecedented phenomenon in the performance of Thai dramatic arts in the form of a Lakon Panthang drama of the Fine Arts Department.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 for The Adjustment and Development of The Marching Band For Use In Educational Institutions2025-01-08T20:35:16+07:00Chaiwat Namnakongtapbas74wuttichai@gmail.comKomphorn<p>Research subject Guidelines for the adjustment and development of the marching band for use in educational institutions. Objective is to study problems and obstacles for adjustment and development. The marching band and to study the guidelines for the adjustment and development of techniques for the adjustment of the marching band for use in schools during August 2019 to February 2020 study from the field With the research tool, observational interview questionnaire, a set of guidelines for adjusting and developing techniques for adjusting the marching band to use in educational institutions The statistics of mean (X), pre-post score and standard deviation (S.D.) were used to present the research results in a tabular analysis.</p> <p>The result of the research shows that: </p> <ol> <li class="show">Problems and obstacles in the adjustment and development of the marching band consisted of 3 factors from the learners. Factors from the duration and environmental factors <br>had a great effect on the adjustment and development of the marching band in the school.</li> <li class="show">Guidelines for the adjustment and development of marching band adjustment techniques to use in educational institutions consist of 4 phases: 1) preparation phase <br>2) basic adjustment phase 3) development adjustment phase and 4) results from use of analysis from Pre- Test and Post- Test found that Pre-Test had little improvement in learners (X= 2.30, S.D. = 0.88) and Post-Test has developed the learner at a high level (X= 3.52, S.D. = 0.70) <br>It can be concluded that the learner has a high level of development. Analysis from observations found that the understanding of the role of the instrument in each instrument developed the basic skills faster. Have an active behavior in participating in activities</li> </ol>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025