Ranad Tum (Alto Bamboo Xylophone) Solo in the Thang Phun and Luklolukkhad Styles
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The researcher conducted a study and gathered data from academic documents, such as research papers, articles, publications related to the research, interviews with experts who have knowledge and expertise in Thai music. Thereafter, the researcher had the idea to create a solo for alto bamboo xylophone and presented the research results to demonstrate the whole creation process by descriptive and analytical methods as follows: 1. Study the principles and ideas from experts on the creation of an alto bamboo xylophone solo; 2. Determine the principles and concepts relevant to the creation process of a solo for alto bamboo xylophone using a basic melody in a Luklolukkhad playing style; 3. Verify the musical composition of the main melody. 4. Create the solo. The new solo has many different musical phrases. There are phrases derived from popular songs; phrases that represent the composer's identity and phrases that contain both easy and difficult passages to show the musician’s talent and agility. There are smooth phrases that express a sense of peacefulness; phrases with personality and modern accents; phrases that play with the rhythm; phrases that are witty and have their own particularity; phrases that do not exactly replicate the main melody by adding extra notes, but still finish on the same sound; new creative phrases; phrases with melodies from other musical styles; phrases that use a twist on the chord style traditionally used on the alto bamboo xylophone; phrases that exist in other songs, but adapted for this solo by changing chords or the playing style as judged appropriate. There are also specific techniques for playing with the rhythm, melody, etc.
Article Details
ณรงค์ชัย ปิฎกรัชต์. (2563). ทฤษฎีเพื่อการวิจัยและสารัตถะบทดนตรี. ลพบุรี : โรงพิมพ์นาฏดุริยางค์.
ไชยยะ ทางมีศรี. สัมภาษณ์. 7 มีนาคม 2564.
ดุษฎี มีป้อม. ผู้เชี่ยวชาญดนตรีไทย สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์ กระทรวงวัฒนธรรม. สัมภาษณ์. 2564.
บุญสร้าง เรืองนนท์. สัมภาษณ์, 7 มีนาคม 2564.