Adjustment of Enterprises in Hiring Workers under The Policy of Minimum Wages Exceeding 300 Baht: A Case Study of Service Sector Establishments in Ubon Ratchathani Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the causal factors influencing generation Y employee’s retention of medium enterprise in the commercial segment in the north-east of Thailand, 2) to develop a model of causal factors influencing generation Y employee’s retention of medium enterprise in the commercial segment in the north-east of Thailand, and 3) to study the consistency of the hypothesized causal relationship model with empirical data. The target population is entrepreneurs, managers and employees of medium enterprise in the commercial segment in the north-east of Thailand. The number of medium- sized business organizations in the commercial sector amounted to 838. A sample of 600 people from Multi-Stage Sampling. The statistics used in the study and data analysis of this research consisted of descriptive statistics to find the frequency distribution, percentage, to analyze the condition of the respondents. along with the Exploratory Factor Analysis and the analysis of the structural equation model consisting of measurement model analysis and structural model analysis to find the consistency of the structural equation model with empirical data.
The research results showed that 1) The research results showed that 1) the average of the human resource management factors was at a high level (mean = 3.87), the mean of organizational factors was at a high level (mean = 4.16), and the mean of retaining Generation Y personnel was at a high level (mean = 4.12), 2) The model of human resource management factor is consistent with empirical data with Chi-square = 2291.583, df = 831, p = 0.000, Chi- square/df = 2.758, CFI = 0.915, GFI = 0.864, AGFI = 823, SRMR = 0.009, RMSEA = 0.053, The model of organizational factors is consistent with empirical data with Chi-square = 544.594, df = 169, p = 0.000, Chi-square/df = 3.222, CFI = 0.955, GFI = 0.932, AGFI = 0.907, SRMR = 0.015, RMSEA = 0.060 and the model of Generation Y personnel retention factors is consistent with empirical data with Chi-square = 70.540, df = 25, p = 0.000, Chi-square/df = 2.822, CFI = 0.999, GFI = 0.978, AGFI = 0.952, SRMR = 0.005, RMSEA = 0.054 and 3) Human resource management has a direct influence on generation Y employee’s retention of medium enterprise in the commercial segment in the north-east of Thailand, with the influence size was 3.3.376 and statistically significant level at the .001, organizational factors has a direct influence on generation Y employee’s retention of medium enterprise in the commercial segment in the north-east of Thailand , with the influence size was 3.269 and statistically significant level at the .001.
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