Compare the performance motivation and efficiency of the personnel of Sisaket’s Agricultural Co-operatives

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วิศิษฏ์ ย่าพรหม
พิมุกต์ สมชอบ
รัตนภรณ์ แซ่ลี้
อดุลยเดช ตันแล้ว
ดุสิต จักรศิลป์


The research aimed 1) to study and compare the performance motivation and efficiency of the personnel of Sisaket’s Agricultural Co-operatives as classified by gender, age, educational levels, monthly incomes, working experience and working positions, and 2) to investigate the motives that could affect the performance efficiency of the personnel in the study. The samples used in the research were 200 personnel of Sisaket’s Agricultural Co-operatives. They were derived by means of a cluster sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, co-relative coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

Concerning the relation between the personal factors and the performance efficiency of the personnel of Sisaket’s Agricultural Co-operatives, it was found that age, educational levels, and working positions were related to the performance efficiency of the personnel at a statistical significance of .01. Sex, monthly incomes and working experience were related to the performance efficiency of the personnel in the study with no statistical significance. A study of relations between the performance motivation found that the motivation in terms of work success, recognition, work nature, accountability and progress prospects were related to the performance efficiency of the staff under study at a statistical significance of .01. There were three variables that could predict the performance efficiency of the staff of Sisaket’s Agricultural Co-operatives. They could be shown in a descending order: motivation in the work success, in responsibility, and recognition. These three factors could explain the variance of the performance efficiency of the personnel in the study by 79.50%.

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Author Biographies

วิศิษฏ์ ย่าพรหม

Master of Business Administration Program in Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University

พิมุกต์ สมชอบ

Marketing Program, Faculty of Business Administration and Management,

Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat

รัตนภรณ์ แซ่ลี้

Marketing Program, Faculty of Business Administration and Management,

Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat

อดุลยเดช ตันแล้ว

Business Data Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University

ดุสิต จักรศิลป์

Finance and Investment Program, Faculty of Administrative Science, Ubon Ratchathani


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