The Lakon Phanthang Creative Method Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham

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Wuttichai Narakaew
Suphannee Boonpaeg


This research aims to study the Lakon Panthang creative method Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham through qualitative research by collecting information from printed
and electronic documents, relevant research, photographs, interviews and observations.

The results showed that the Lakon Panthang Phu Chana Siptit of Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham was adapted from a historical novel by Khun Chote Praepan (Yakob) by Ajarn Seree Vangnaitham has written and produced 56 chapters of Lakon Panthang Phu Chana Siptit. There are 3 elements in the script play, which are: 1. the story 2. the plot 3. the theme of the story. Because this Lakon panthang is a new dance drama genre. As a result, the process of creating work that different from the original pattern of the Fine Arts Department, whether it be script plays, music instruments, performers, costumes and setting. Which is one of the most successful dance drama of the Fine Arts Department from the past to the present. Which can be seen from the Lakon Panthang titled Phu Chana Siptit often returned to show. Which such popularity caused the number of tickets
to be insufficient to meet the demand. Causing to add many more shows. It is considered
an unprecedented phenomenon in the performance of Thai dramatic arts in the form of a Lakon Panthang drama of the Fine Arts Department.

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Author Biographies

Wuttichai Narakaew

Department of Dance, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University

Suphannee Boonpaeg

Department of Dance, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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