The Relationship between English Language Communication Competencies of Ground Staff at Suvarnabhumi Airport and Operational Efficiency
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This study aims to: 1) explore the demographic characteristics of ground staff
at Suvarnabhumi Airport; 2) investigate their English language communication competencies
in the workplace; 3) assess their operational efficiency; and 4) examine the relationship between English communication competencies and operational efficiency. A quantitative research methodology was employed, utilizing a questionnaire for data collection from a sample
of 400 ground staff selected through convenience sampling. Statistical analyses included mean, percentage, frequency distribution, standard deviation, t-test, f-test (One-Way ANOVA),
and correlation coefficient. The findings reveal a strong positive correlation (88.4%) between English communication competencies and operational efficiency. Specifically, English language skills demonstrated the highest correlation with operational efficiency (82.0%),
followed by comprehension knowledge (79.5%), and service-oriented attributes (78.7%), respectively. These correlations were statistically significant at the 0.05 level (Sig: 0.000). Theoretical and Practical Implications: The study underscores the need for the development of English language skills among ground staff. It is recommended that Suvarnabhumi Airport implement targeted language training programs to enhance employees' communication capabilities, thereby improving the overall quality of service provided by the airport.
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