Activity Reward Management System in Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
Database, Activity Reward Management System, Faculty of Management TechnologyAbstract
The purposes of research were to 1) develop an activity reward management system in faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus and 2) study the efficiency and satisfaction with the developed activity award management system. The research tools were the activity award management system, efficiency testing questionnaire, and satisfaction questionnaire. The 33 people of sample group consisted of three experts and 30 users. Data analysis using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation. The research results found that the system has three types of users including system administrators, teachers, and students. There are seven work processes and nine tables in the database. The administrators can view, add, edit, and delete data while the teachers and students could only view the activity reward information. The results of system efficiency evaluation by experts and satisfaction with the system by users in overall was at a good level.
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