The story of Phra Aphai Mani, Hueng Na Pom, was interpreted with a new meaning and create a new composition for the value and dignity of women
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Studying the equality dignity education and the value of women through interpretation and creating a new composition through the characters of Phra Aphai Manee, Suwanmalee and Lawengwanla according to the concept of interpretation and creation of new compositions according to feminist theory have a purposefor interpretation and create a new compositionthrough the characterof Suwanmalee and Lawengwanla from The story of Phra Aphai Mani, Hueng Na Pomtostudy the equality, dignity and value of women using qualitative research methods Study of original compositions and reinterpret existing compositions according tochanges insocial contexts and lead to the creation of new compositions. Theresults of the study showed that the interpretation and creation of newcompositions The story of Phra Aphai Mani, Hueng Na Pom, which was originallyconsidered female jealousy lead to war and damage devaluation and dignity but anew interpretation will focus on Protection of dignity and the country It's nota matter of jealousy. According to the concept of feminism, men and women arenot different in abilities. and feminist ideas that encourage women to be self-reliant aimed at resolving it through cultural transformation methods . The reinterpretation led to the creation of a new composition to convey the idea of equality . Dignity and value through the character of Phra Aphai Manee Suwanmalee and Lawengwanla.
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