The Relationship Between Passengers’ Psychological Factors in Purchasing Online Tickets at Suvarnbhumit Airport and 4Es Marketing Strategies

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กฤษณ์ วิทวัสสำราญกุล
ธิติพร มิลินทร์ คริสเตนเซน
สุพิชญา วงศ์วาสนา
เนตร์ศิริ เรืองอริยภักดิ์


This research aimed to study 1) psychological factors and online ticket buying behavior of passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport 2) Using 4Es marketing mix strategies and 3) the relationship between psychological factors of buying online tickets and 4Es marketing mix strategies of passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The samples were the passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport. It applied convenience sampling to 401 samples. The statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. The results of the study found that 1) overall psychological factors of online ticket buying mean was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it found that the first highest mean was motivation at a high level and the lowest mean was perception at a high level 2) overall buying behavior of online tickets mean was at a high level 3) overall opinions about 4Es marketing mix strategies mean was at a high level. The first highest mean was exchange at a high level and the lowest mean was everywhere at a high level. 4) Hypothesis testing found that every different personal factors had no different opinions about using 4Es marketing strategies at a statistical level of 0.05 5) The relationship between psychological factors of buying online ticket and using 4Es marketing mix strategies of passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport, overall, was at a moderate level (r = 0.48) at a statistical level of 0.05.

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Author Biographies

กฤษณ์ วิทวัสสำราญกุล

Aviation Management, Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University

ธิติพร มิลินทร์ คริสเตนเซน

Aviation Industry Management Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University

สุพิชญา วงศ์วาสนา

Airline Business Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University

เนตร์ศิริ เรืองอริยภักดิ์

Airline Business Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University


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