The Components of Chatree Dance for Dance Drama of The Fine Arts Department
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This article had the purposes to study the pattern and components of Chatree dance in dance drama in the story of “Manohra” and “Rotsen” by the Fine Arts Department. The research tools were the interview form and observational forms. The interviewees were divided into 4 groups: expert group, performer group, musician group. and a group of Chatree dance artists. The research found that performances of the dance dramas "Manohra" and “Rotsen” has the pattern and components that were a combination of Chatree dance dramam and Lakhon nok drama. As for the actors, they imitateed Lakhon nok drama that did not limit the number of the actors. The performance began with the rhythm of the Chatree drums. Then, accompanied by the song Wah Jab. The music used for the performance was a combination of the instruments of Chatree dance drama and Lakhon nok drama. The actors spoke the dialogue. But there were a singers that sang a songs for them. Performance was performed at a theatre for the first time, it used realistic sets. Later on the performance took place in other place in accordance with the circumstances. For clothing, both the male and female protagonists dressed in costumes like Lakhon nok drama but wore headdress like a Chatree dance drama. There were two types of dance: 1) general dance and 2) specific dance moves or “Ram Sad”.
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