The Comparison of marketing mix factors affecting the purchase of community products by consumers Pakham District Buriram Province
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This research has the objective to compare marketing mix factors that affect the purchase of community products by consumers in Pakham District. Buriram Province. Classified according to demographic characteristics sample group used are consumers in the Pakham District area Buriram Province, 400 people. Use questionnaires as a research tool. The instrument was tested by testing content validity. Basic statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The research results found that consumers in Pakham District Buriram Province Giving importance to various factors at a high level = 4.09. When considering each factor, it was found that the sample group gave the most importance to the price factor. From the results of comparing personal factors that affect the purchase of community products by consumers in Pakham District. Buriram Province found that, 1) Different genders affect consumers' choices in buying community products in Pakham District, Buriram Province. In terms of products Sales promotion Process side and different physical components. 2) Different ages affect the choice of purchasing community products of consumers in Pakham District. Buriram Province In terms of product, price, promotion, personnel and physical elements are different. 3) Different levels of education affect the choice of purchasing community products among consumers in Pakham District. Buriram Province In terms of distribution channels and personnel are different, and 4) different average incomes affect the choice of buying community products of consumers in Pakham District. Buriram Province In terms of products, prices, distribution channels and Different aspects of the person Statistically significant at the .05 level.
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