Developing marketing and increasing the potential of community products Ban Yang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Buriram Province
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This research aims to 1) study problems related to marketing operations, 2) develop marketing and, 3) propose guidelines for marketing potential development and solving problems for the products of community product manufacturers, Ban Yang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Buriram Province. Five members of 19 villages of community product entrepreneurs in Ban Yang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Buriram Province were interviewed and given questionnaires for the mixed-method study. The production problems are lack of raw materials, modern tools, lack of production skills and new innovations. Price problems are high costs of production. In terms of distribution channels (Place), there is a lack of distribution channel management. In terms of marketing promotion (Promotion) was that production and sales are done by local people, shops will be closed when the products are sold out or else the leftover products will be sold on the next day. The study shows proposed guidelines for marketing potential development and solutions for the products of community product manufacturers. Product wise, there should be a product branding to show the belonging of the community products so customers can make their buying decisions from their past experiences. Price wise, pricing strategy is important as consumer purchasing power can emphasis on using the product and producers should consider using local ingredients. Distribution (Place), there should be marketplace as landmark of Ban Yang Subdistrict to facilitate daily distribution of the products by local producers which would result in increase in sales and income. The promotion wise, local sellers should adopt new promotion to products offer to increase sales such as trail samples at the point of selling and label on the product providing information about brand and contact numbers.
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