Desired future skills for medical secretaries
Main Article Content
This article aims to study the desired future skills for medical secretaries as a guideline
for developing skills to keep up with future world changes as well as knowing the needs of Medical
Hub expansion by reviewing relevant literature, in order to learn the basic knowledge about
medical secretaries, their roles, duties, qualifications, competencies, and future skills of medical
secretaries. It was found that in the future skills for medical secretaries that can be divided into 6
groups: 1) Academic concept, consisting of health knowledge; Medical English Communication
Statistics and research 2) Thought concept which consists of critical thinking and creative thinking
3) Self-development consists of being committed to self-development and accumulated expertise
4) Technology and communication consists of the Digital information use 5) Relationships include
working as a team, understanding the cultural differences and communication aspect 6 )
Adaptability consists of solving immediate problems and flexibility. 7 ) Leadership and good
citizenship consists of being a leader and being a good citizen 8) Ethics consists of honesty and
scarification maintaining the organization's secrets 9) Coordination consists of negotiation skills and
follows up on work which will promote medical secretaries to have high potential and performance
in high demand in the hospitals and organizations. All of these skills can be adjusted to keep up
with the situation changing events and support the growth of Medical Hub.
Article Details
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