Development of a pattern of cotton dyeing in Ban Khum, Khongjiam. Ubon Ratchathani Province is a souvenir.
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Research and development of patterns, patterns, handicrafts, cotton fabrics, natural dyes, Ban Kum, Khong Chiam District Ubon Ratchathani Province as a souvenir Has brought wisdom And identities that show the area And the charm of the area That has both tourist attractions, culture, lifestyle To be the highlight of souvenir products in the research of research and development of patterns, patterns, handicrafts, cotton fabrics, natural dyes, Ban Kum, Khong Chiam District Ubon Ratchathani Province Researchers have divided the study and the results are as follows.(1) to study patterns Natural dyed cotton weaving patterns of the cotton weaving group from natural colors, Ban Kum, Khong Chiam District, Ubon Ratchathani Province The researcher has studied the uniqueness of the area. And community identity to be used for the development of patterns that appear in souvenir products Natural dyed cotton fabric, Ban Kum, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province(2) Prepare a prototype and assess the satisfaction of souvenir products from the natural color cotton weaving group, Ban Kum, Khong Chiam District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The researcher explored the behavior of target groups who have a desire to buy and choose from natural products. And have taken various information as basic information in designing (3) To study marketing And community identity for use in the design as a souvenir of the cotton weaving group from natural colors, Baan Kum, Khong Chiam District, Ubon Ratchathani Province The researcher has taken the marketing ingredient principles as a model for increasing the channels. And product development of souvenirs In order to provide souvenir products to Ban Khong Chiam group Ubon Ratchathani Province Has come out as a product that the community can develop further And is another product that will be promoted by the group as wellFrom a survey of opinions of design and manufacturing experts. Analyzed and summarized the model, where type 2 was in the highest score level. Followed by type 1 and 2, respectively.
From the sample group for testing satisfaction from the product use, 30 people divided into 17 males, accounting for 56.6 percent, and female samples of 13, representing 43.4 percent, with the majority of embarrassed between 31. -35 years, 10 people, accounting for 33.3 percent, have occupations 15 government officials, representing 50% of the satisfaction questionnaire on the use of the design and development of natural-colored cotton products as a prototype product of the community. Natural color cotton weaving group Case Study of Cotton Weaving Group from Natural Colors, Baan Kum, Khong-Chiam District, Ubon Ratchathani Province The average was 33 criteria, the score was 4.61, the most in the criteria.
Keywords : Development, Pattern, Cotton Handicraft, Natural dyeing, Souvenir.
Article Details
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