Causal Factors Influence Organizational Performance of Hotel in North- East of Thailand
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This is a causal relationship study which aim to study causal factors Influence Organizational Performance of Hotel in North-East of Thailand, to develop a model of causal factors Influence Organizational Performance of Hotel in North-East of Thailand and to study the consistency of the assumption-based causal relationship model. Examples in this research are entrepreneurs and employees. of the hotel business with a number of rooms from 60 rooms or more in the Northeastern region. The samples were randomly drawn from the provinces in the northeast of Thailand by multi-stage sampling. along with the Exploratory Factor Analysis and the analysis of the structural equation model consisting of measurement model analysis and structural model analysis to find the consistency of the structural equation model with empirical data.
The research results showed that the average of human resource development in the form of change Very high level (mean = 3.837) The average level of continuous improvement capability is at a high level (mean = 4.085) The average level of organizational performance Very, very high (mean = 4.136)
The model of transformative human resource development was consistent with the empirical data, with Chi-square = 285.131, df = 89, p = 0.000, Chi-square/df = 3.204, GFI = 0.955, AGFI = 0.931, RMR = 0.007, RMSEA = 0.000. The model of continuous improvement was consistent with the empirical data, with Chi-square = 910.758, df = 331, p = 0.000, Chi-square/df = 2.752, GFI = 0.916, AGFI = 0.897, RMR = 0.010, RMSEA = 0.000. The model of organizational performance was consistent with the empirical data, with Chi-square = 92.422, df = 28, p = 0.000, Chi-square/df = 3.301, GFI = 0.970, AGFI = 0.944, RMR = 0.006, RMSEA = 0.000.
Transformative human resource development has a direct influence on organizational performance, with the influence size was 1.942 and statistically significant level at the 0.00. Continuous improvement ability directly influenced organizational performance, with the influence size was 0.863 and statistically significant level at the 0.05. Continuous development has a direct influence on organizational performance, with the influence size was 0.863 and statistically significant level at the 0.05. Therefore, the research results were in accordance with all hypotheses.
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