Developing a Model for Rehearsal for a Marching Band, a Case Study of Schools in Maha Sarakham Province and Kalasin Province

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Thawanchai Suanmontha
Worachet Woraphunnan
Kanon Vejkama


       This research aims to 1) study the process of practicing award-winning marching bands. Secondary schools in Maha Sarakham Province and Kalasin Province 2) Study the problem of the award-winning marching band rehearsal Secondary schools in Maha Sarakham Province and Kalasin Province 3) Guidelines for the development of the Secondary School marching band This was a qualitative research by interviewing the award-winning teacher in charge of the marching band. Collecting using tools is An in-depth interview form analyzes the data by creating a conclusion.

       The results of the research showed that 1) the award-winning marching band practice process Secondary schools in Maha Sarakham Province and Kalasin Province Exercises are planned in advance as a clear guideline. Use quality exercises There were basic training on the use of air, tongue cutting, mouth positioning, performance improvement, single practice, group practice. and practicing as a group the rehearsal consisted of the following elements: technique, sound characteristics, balance, sound tightness, low volume, harmonious tone. 2) There was a problem in practicing the award-winning marching band students. Secondary schools in Maha Sarakham and Kalasin provinces are as follows: 2. 1) Students must use a shuttle bus. Therefore, there is a limited amount of time to practice. 2.2) The instrument has been used for many years, thus affecting the sound quality. 2. 3) There is only one music practice room. Not enough to practice. 2.4) Teachers are insufficient for practicing and must perform other duties as assigned. 2.5) Student resignation problem. Parents still do not see the importance of music practice 2 6) Problems in sound quality in playing 2.7) Problems in choosing songs for the contest 3) Guidelines for development of marching bands in secondary schools in Maha Sarakham and Kalasin provinces Schools must have a clear marching band development policy. There should be government or private agencies to organize training for marching band teachers. and organizing a marching band contest in the northeastern region in order to extend the youth to international development

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Author Biographies

Thawanchai Suanmontha

วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

Worachet Woraphunnan

วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

Kanon Vejkama

วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


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