Instructional Skill Training For Ranad Thum in Building up the Potential of Learners
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This research had objectives to create Instructional Skill Training for Ranad Thum in Thai Music performing and to build up the potential of learners by Instructional skill training for Ranad Thum that having the process of data collecting from field study interviewed informants of specialists and 5 honorable in Thai Music to analyze approach in creating Instructional Skill training for Ranad Thum in building up the potential of learners and took implementation with volunteers to criticize and evaluate the quality of Instructional Skill Training for Ranad Thum in building up the potential of Learners.
The finding found that the culture of Ranad Thum learning in the former time learners must have skills in Gong Wong Yai practicing as the basic taking the song be tool in practicing the playing technique then practice the playing Ranad Thum there is not the fixed Instructional Skill Training. The creating Instructional Skill Training for Ranad Thum in building up the potential of learners had steps from easy to difficult and relating to Thai Music Standardization had divided into 4 sets of Instructional Skill Training be Basic Instructional Skill Handing using or using hands in playing Instructional Skill Playing Pattern Instructional Skill and Playing Instructional Skill. The evaluating the quality of Instructional Skill Training for Ranad Thum in Building up the Potential of Learners from the level by agreement of specialists and honorable found that the overall of Instructional Skill Training be in the good level with average of 4.4 scores. Learning by Instructional Skill Training for Ranad Thum in Building up the potential of learners found that before learning Learners had average scores at 8.45 or being 42.25 and after learning they had the up scores of 17.85 or being 89.25.
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