Influence of Market Orientation, Learning Orientation, and Innovativeness on Performance of Logistics Business
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This research aims 1) to study the level of market orientation, learning orientation, innovativeness, and performance of logistics business, 2) to study the direct influence of market orientation, learning orientation, and innovativeness on performance of logistics business, and 3) to study the direct influence of market orientation that affects learning orientation and innovativeness of logistics business. This research is a quantitative research. The sample are 630 logistics entrepreneurs of the motor transportation.
Results are found that 1) the level of market orientation, learning orientation, innovativeness, and performance of logistics business are at the high operated level, 2) learning orientation influences on performance of logistics business at a statistical significance level of .001, moreover, market orientation and innovativeness influence on performance of logistics business at a statistical significance level of .05, and 3) market orientation influences on learning orientation and innovativeness of logistics business at a statistical significance level of .001 confirmed with the structural equation model (X2/df = 1.056, p = .159, GFI = .953, AGFI = .935, CFI = .998, NFI= .966, RMSEA = .009).
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