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This thesis aims to 1) Study how to dance of the Pleng Cheidching Na Phat which is the main dance in Khon dance performances; 2) Analyse the structure and method of this traditional dance and the use of weapons of the main dance in the performance. The research was conducted by collecting data from relevant documents, interviews, field trips and performing dance moves, Taking notes of the dance moves to analyze the dance moves,and by considering the confirmation of information from experts.
The results of the research as follows: There are 3 songs of the dance that the main character uses in the pantomime as Grand Opening ‘Cheidching Plang-Sorn’, Grand opening song ‘Cheidching Sorn Tha-nong’, and Grand opening song ‘Cheidching Son Pra-jan’ It was found that the choreography in the order of the dance are as follows: 1) The dance process is compose of 3 steps namely, the choreography in the Na Phat song, and the Plung-sorn dance. 2) The structure of the Cheidching dance can be divided into 3 structures, namely, Thai traditional dance. The main dance and the connecting dance. 3) The specific choreography of the 3 Cheidching dance songs. In these 3 dances, the performers must be the Khon who have been practicing the basic dance moves are The pranksters of the pantomime practice when they are expert in the dance, the people who learn the ‘Phra Khon’ will be trained in the dance moves, which are the traditional dance moves that have been passed down.
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