The Guidelines for Development of Charcoal Briquettes based on the Customer Value Proposition

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Wut Sookcharoen
Khongsak Srasrisom
Phattaraporn Timdang


       Charcoal briquettes are compressed blocks made from coal dust or other combustible biomass materials. The aim of this research is twofold: 1) to explore the attributes of charcoal briquettes that customers perceive as valuable for grilling, and 2) to provide guidelines for the development of charcoal briquettes based on the customer value proposition. The research methodology involved both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative research involved conducting interviews with 20 targeted customers to explore the attributes of charcoal briquettes that customers perceive as valuable. Quantitative research was conducted by collecting data from 474 samples. The findings of this study are as follows: 1) The attributes of charcoal briquettes perceived as valuable by customers include flammability, minimal ash production, smokelessness, lack of bad odor, durability during burning, generation of high-temperature heat, long-lasting heat emission, cleanliness, appropriate size, absence of toxic substances, and pleasant fragrance. 2) To enhance customer value, charcoal briquette manufacturers should prioritize the development of four key attributes: high-temperature heat production, durability during burning, pleasant fragrance, and absence of toxic substances.

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Author Biographies

Wut Sookcharoen

Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

Khongsak Srasrisom

Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

Phattaraporn Timdang

Suan Dusit University


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