Guidelines for The Adjustment and Development of The Marching Band For Use In Educational Institutions

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Chaiwat Namnakongtap
Komphorn Prachumwan


Research subject Guidelines for the adjustment and development of the marching band for use in educational institutions. Objective is to study problems and obstacles for adjustment and development. The marching band and to study the guidelines for the adjustment and development of techniques for the adjustment of the marching band for use in schools during August 2019 to February 2020 study from the field With the research tool, observational interview questionnaire, a set of guidelines for adjusting and developing techniques for adjusting the marching band to use in educational institutions The statistics of mean (X), pre-post score and standard deviation (S.D.) were used to present the research results in a tabular analysis.

The result of the research shows that:      

  1. Problems and obstacles in the adjustment and development of the marching band consisted of 3 factors from the learners. Factors from the duration and environmental factors
    had a great effect on the adjustment and development of the marching band in the school.

  2. Guidelines for the adjustment and development of marching band adjustment techniques to use in educational institutions consist of 4 phases: 1) preparation phase
    2) basic adjustment phase 3) development adjustment phase and 4) results from use of analysis from Pre- Test and Post- Test found that Pre-Test had little improvement in learners (X= 2.30, S.D. = 0.88) and Post-Test has developed the learner at a high level (X= 3.52, S.D. = 0.70) 
    It can be concluded that the learner has a high level of development. Analysis from observations found that the understanding of the role of the instrument in each instrument developed the basic skills faster. Have an active behavior in participating in activities

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Author Biographies

Chaiwat Namnakongtap

Eastern Wisdom Research Center, Roi Ed

Komphorn Prachumwan

Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University


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