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Puchong Manasin
Naruemol Soparattanakul
Pakaporn Krachadthong
Varatorn Apirat
Waree Srisuraphol


In designing and developing a retail business curriculum in a changing era, there must be information to support that starts with analyzing the needs of stakeholders such as the national strategy, Thailand's national economic and social development plan, the Thailand Qualifications Framework (TQF), the office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, the education institution’s strategy, graduate characteristics, academic and professional experts, and entrepreneurs. In determining program learning outcomes (PLOs) and developing curriculum, curriculum developers must thoroughly understand the curriculum context and understand various situations that will occur both internally and externally that may affect the curriculum. Therefore, curriculum developers must study and understand before entering the planning process, practicing, and controlling. Also, in designing and developing a retail business curriculum in a changing era, there is information as follows: 1) Degree and program name 2) Curriculum philosophy statement, objectives, and learning outcome 3) Curriculum structure, courses, and credits 4) The learning process 5) Readiness and potential of curriculum management 6) Qualifications of students 7) Evaluation of academic performance and graduation criteria 8) Curriculum quality assurance and, 9) System and mechanism of curriculum development. 

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Author Biographies

Puchong Manasin

Faculty of Management Sciences, Suan Dusit University

Naruemol Soparattanakul

Faculty of Management Sciences, Suan Dusit University

Pakaporn Krachadthong

Faculty of Management Sciences, Suan Dusit University

Varatorn Apirat

Faculty of Management Sciences, Suan Dusit University

Waree Srisuraphol

Faculty of Management Sciences, Suan Dusit University


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