Factors Affecting The Religious Tourism Behavior of Thai Elderly Citizens Interested in Traveling to Chiang Mai Province
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This paper studies Factors affecting the religious tourism behavior of Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai Province. The objectives are to 1) study the conditions and needs for managing religious tourism among Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province and
2) find ways to develop religious tourism among Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province. It is quantitative research. Using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean,
standard deviation (SD). Inferential statistics used to test hypotheses include F-value analysis statistics. One-way analysis of variance.
The results of the study found that the factors that affect the behavior of most tourists traveling on religious tourism of Thai elderly citizens interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province are female, aged between 60 - 65 years, and are of retirement age. or do not have a career Domiciled in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Have monthly income from elderly allowance Have a bachelor's degree
Health: Tourists have congenital diseases. and see a doctor regularly The factors that affect the religious tourism behavior of Thai elderly citizens who are interested in traveling to Chiang Mai province
are the 3 S's (happiness, fun, convenience). Elderly people are happy that they receive from traveling. Fun in traveling and the convenience received from tourism. In terms of 2 P. (safety, savings),
the elderly viewed religious tourism in Chiang Mai province as safe. and there is savings gained from traveling.
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