Situation, Needs and Developmental Guidelines for Human Resource Development in the New Normal under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Saowanee Inthanom
Tatsana Prasantree
Sumalee Sriputtarin



This research aims to: 1) examine the current and desired states of human resource development in the new normal era; 2) assess the needs for human resource development in the new normal era; and 3) develop guidelines for human resource development in the new normal era. The sample group consisted of 353 educational administrators and teachers under the jurisdiction of the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office for the 2022 academic year, selected through multi-stage sampling. The research instruments included four sets: 1) a current state questionnaire with a reliability of .98, 2) a desired state questionnaire with a reliability of .98, 3) a structured interview with a content validity index of 1.00, and 4) an assessment form for the appropriateness and feasibility of the human resource development guidelines in the new normal era with a content validity index of 1.00. The statistics used included percentages, means, standard deviations, and the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified).

The research findings revealed that: 1) the overall current state is at a high level, while the overall desired state is at the highest level; 2) the needs are higher than the overall value, specifically in terms of flexibility and adaptability to situations, and planning and developing skills in the new normal era; 3) the development guidelines are as follows: 1) Planning and skill development in the new normal era - administrators should plan, design, and promote self-development and enhance technological competencies through online training to keep up with the times; 2) Flexibility and adaptability to situations - work processes should be adjusted to be flexible and adaptable, enabling work from anywhere and anytime or conducting meetings online; 3) Creating organizational culture and networking - setting goals and working guidelines that align with colleagues in a consistent direction; 4) Evaluating and reporting performance - administrators should set evaluation criteria in collaboration with staff and support more online evaluations while reducing traditional evaluations. The overall assessment of the development guidelines found them to be highly appropriate and feasible.

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Author Biographies

Saowanee Inthanom

Educational Administration and Development Program, Faculty of Education

Nakhon Phanom University

Tatsana Prasantree

Educational Administration and Development Program, Faculty of Education

Nakhon Phanom University

Sumalee Sriputtarin

Educational Administration and Development Program, Faculty of Education


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