The Relationship between Desirable Characteristics of Ground Staff of Suvarnabhumi Airport on Productivity and Quality for Excellent Service

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Nutchirathorn Naulsom
Natesiri Ruangariyapuk
Bhassakorn Chanpayom
Punchisa Seetong-on



This research aims. 1) To survey the demographic characteristics of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff.  2) To survey the desired characteristics of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff.
3) To survey the productivity and quality for excellent service of Suvarnabhumi Airport ground staff. 4) To find the relationship between desirable characteristics and productivity and quality
for excellent service. The Research method is quantitative research by collected from ground staff at Suvarnabhumi Airport, a total of 400 sampling and using questionnaire as a research tool. Data were Statistics used Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation
(Standard Deviation), t-test statistic, f-test statistic (One-way ANOVA) and correlation coefficient term (Correlation). Research results showed that desired characteristics of ground staff are related to productivity and quality for excellent service going in the same direction, 72.7%, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Theory/Policy aspect showed Suvarnabhumi Airport should provide and support organizing training, exchanging knowledge and opinions, exchanges experiences among co-workers or provide training to improve knowledge on desirable characteristics of ground staff such as second language or third language which will enable ground staff creating
their excellent service.

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Author Biographies

Nutchirathorn Naulsom

Airline Business Aviation Personal Development Institute Kasem Bundit University

Natesiri Ruangariyapuk

Airline Business Aviation Personal Development Institute Kasem Bundit University

Bhassakorn Chanpayom

Airline Business Aviation Personal Development Institute Kasem Bundit University

Punchisa Seetong-on

Airline Business Aviation Personal Development Institute Kasem Bundit University


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