Factors for Considering to Develop Thailand Cruise Port
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Cross-border tourism, mainly via cruise ships, is a significant channel through which many tourists enter a country. Ports play a critical role in facilitating his influx, making evaluating their capabilities and performance essential. This study assesses the efficiency and performance
of three major Thai cruise ports: Bangkok Port (Khlong Toei), Laem Chabang Port (A1), and Phuket Port. Data were collected through surveys of industry operators and experts using a valid questionnaire, which achieved a content validity index of 0.72 and reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s Alpha) ranging from 0.87 to 0.97. The study involved 40 participants from
the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), 10 cruise industry experts, and 7 members
of a professional cruise association. The findings indicated that the perceived capabilities
and performance of the ports were rated highly by related businesses (mean = 3.72),
while cruise experts rated them at a moderated level (mean = 2.95). The difference between these two groups was statistically significant. The key factors for the analysis are 18 of 45 related to port structure, 10 of 19 to tourism, and 1 of 5 to ship characteristics. Strategic recommendations include the need for state-supported investments to enhance port infrastructure, particularly regarding berth width and depth. Additionally, There is a need to revitalise tourist destinations; while Thai cruise ports demonstrate significant potential, further government investment
is essential to enhance their overall capabilities and performance.
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