Ludkattiya: Creation of the concept and elements of theatrical performance according to the Royal Wichit Drama

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ฤดีชนก คชเสนี
จินตนา สายทองคำ
ศุภชัย จันทร์สุวรรณ์


The purpose of this article is not only to develop the concept of Kattiya drama in the style of Luang Wichitwathakan but also to create and introduce the revised element of this Thai drama in this authentical style. The study has been conducting by studying the fundamental information and knowledge in order to define the concept as well as studying the academic documents, textbooks, relevant research including the exclusive interview with the heir of Luang Wichitwathakan, the national artists, Thai musical and costume experts and a group of directexperienced individuals before analyzing the gathered information so as to develop this new performance. The study finds that conceptualizing process comprises of four different components including approach, integration, music and the outline. The primary approaching of Luang Wichit drama is concerning about the patriotism while the dialogue play, musical drama, the chronicle drama has been integrated into the new performance. Both Thai and international musicians are deployed for the show. The outline is based on the novel of Laksanawadee so called Kattiya Blood which is the love story with tragic endings when ones choose to sacrifice their love for their country. This plot is also famous for the drama named Princess Hsenwi of Luang Wichit himself where this story is focused on prioritizing the royalty to the country above their personal needs. In addition, it has been found that the composition of this performance is consisting of various factors including new revised scripts, music composition, performer audition, choreography, the design of costume, stage management and props decoration and light, sound and multimedia. This new contemporary performance is designed to be further developed on empathizing the patriotism and cultivate the love of religion and monarchy on the style of Luang Wichit drama to relentlessly stimulate the patriotism of Thai people and to elevate the society.

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Author Biographies

ฤดีชนก คชเสนี

Bunditpatanasilpa Institute2Associate Professor Dr., Doctoral Thesis Advisor, Bunditpatanasilpa

จินตนา สายทองคำ

Bunditpatanasilpa Institute2Associate Professor Dr., Doctoral Thesis Advisor, Bunditpatanasilpa

ศุภชัย จันทร์สุวรรณ์

Associate Professor Dr., Doctoral Thesis co-Advisor, Bunditpatanasilpa


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