Augmented Reality Technology in Terms of Being a Media for Learning Social Studies

Main Article Content

Didlada Phetkliang
Ronnakrit Phetkliang


This academic article aims to propose guidelines for self-directed learning through Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the context of social studies education. The integration
of technology plays a crucial role in knowledge transfer and student learning assessment, specifically in the form of self-study lessons through AR technology. This approach allows students to control content or choose learning paths according to their individual capabilities, unrestricted by location and time constraints. Furthermore, it provides unlimited access to lessons and content review opportunities. Educators can monitor learning progress and assess student performance through this technology platform. A distinctive advantage that sets it apart from other media types is its capability to integrate various forms of media into a single platform. Therefore, incorporating AR technology into teaching and learning processes results in the enhancement of new learning experiences, enabling students to comprehend lesson content more easily through
the presentation of information in multiple formats. The emphasis on utilizing technology
to support individual self-directed learning significantly contributes to addressing
and accommodating students' individual differences. This makes it particularly suitable
for application as a self-learning medium or for effective integration with various learning management approaches. The implementation of AR technology creates an innovative learning environment where information can be displayed in diverse formats, facilitating better understanding of lesson content. By emphasizing the use of technology to empower each student in managing their own learning process, this approach effectively promotes and responds
to individual learner differences. Consequently, it is highly suitable for application as a self-learning tool or for integration with various learning management formats in an efficient manner.
This technology not only enhances the learning experience but also provides educators with tools to track student progress and conduct assessments effectively. The platform's ability to combine different types of media creates a comprehensive learning environment that caters to various learning styles and preferences, making it an invaluable tool in modern education, particularly
in social studies instruction.

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Author Biographies

Didlada Phetkliang

Faculty of Education , Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University

Ronnakrit Phetkliang

Faculty of Education , Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


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