ISSN: 3027-8392 (Online)

Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education supported by ASEAN Research Network on STEM education. The "Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education" or Journal of IAMSTEM (J-IAMSTEM) encompasses a wide range of topics and research areas within the field of practicing science education, practicing mathematics education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education. This journal serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their insights, findings, and innovations in the realm of STEM/STEAM education. Journal of IAMSTEM aims to foster a rich and diverse discourse in the field, promoting research-based practices and innovations that contribute to the improvement of STEM/STEAM education at all levels. It encourages collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers to advance the quality and accessibility of STEM/STEAM education worldwide.

The Journal of IAMSTEM provides an academic platform for work in the fields of science education, mathematics education, and STEM/STEAM Education. All published articles are academically reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. The Journal of IAMSTEM publishes 6 issues annually. These include Issue 1 (January - February), Issue 2 (March - April), Issue 3 (May - June), Issue 4 (July - August), Issue 5 (September - October), and Issue 6 (November - December).

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): January - February

Published: 2025-02-27

Development and Validation of Bite-Size Videos in Teaching Earthquakes among Grade 6 Learners

Musliha Salic, Joy Magsayo, Monera Salic-Hairulla, Jun Karren Caparoso, Ellen Castro, Sotero Malayao, Jr.

1 - 9

Applying the TPACK Framework to Enhance Instructional Design for High School Students in Surin Province: A Needs Analysis and Improvement Strategy

Choojit Sarapak, Prayut Kong-In , Phana Jindasri, Vasanchai Kakkeaw, Amnuay Wattanakornsiri , Jutamas Yoomark, Chalao Sumrandee, Kaniknun Sreejivungsa, Nattaphorn Malingam , Sriprajak Krongsuk, Thodsaphon Lunnoo

10 - 24

Eco-Friendly Basket: A STEM Project of Recycling Banana Stem

Somaly Sav, Putheary Mom, Sokunthea San, Soksan Rat, Sreynich Uy, Sreypov Sun, Nanet Srun, Sam Ol Kong, Kimsron Srieng

25 - 31

Analysis of Ethnostem Content in Making Jenang Kudus a Science Learning Resource for Junior High School Students

Sulasfiana Alfi Raida, Irma Yuniar Wardhani, Aulia Dina Kharisa , Noor Handayani

32 - 47

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