Effects of Inquiry-Oriented Modular Instruction on Grade 10 Students’ Science Inquiry Processes Understandings, Scientific Explanation Construction, and Conceptual Understanding in Selected Biological Concepts

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Nurlailah Manoga
Salamah Indad


This study examined the effects of Inquiry-Oriented Modular Instruction on Students’ Science Inquiry Processes Understandings, Scientific Explanation Construction, and Conceptual Understanding in Selected Biological Concepts. Using quasi-experimental design, 210 students from four intact sections enrolled at the Marawi City National High School in the school year 2021-2022 constituted the control and experimental groups of research participants. Six validated researcher-made instruments namely, scientific inquiry-oriented processes understanding test (SIPUT), scientific explanation construction test (SECT) and conceptual understanding test (CUT), and interview guide questions were used to generate the data. T-test for paired samples, Chi-square and Pearson r were employed to establish significant differences between scores obtained by the two groups on the variables at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that there were no significant differences between the mean scores of the control and experimental groups on the levels of understanding of the scientific inquiry-oriented processes test, scientific explanation construction test and conceptual understanding test before the intervention. The null hypotheses then were accepted at p=0.05. After the intervention the mean scores obtained by the two groups on the three tests were found to be significantly different from each other, with the experimental group obtaining higher means scores, thus the null hypotheses were rejected at p=0.05. In conclusion, science inquiry-oriented modular instruction was effective in raising the levels of understanding of the learners in the scientific inquiry processes, scientific explanation construction and concept understanding of the biology concepts. Given these findings, the teaching approach should be used more often to facilitate learning science.

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