About the Journal
ISSN: 3027-8392 (Online)
Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education supported by ASEAN Research Network on STEM education.
Focus and scope
The scope of the "Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education" or Journal of IAMSTEM (J-IAMSTEM) encompasses a wide range of topics and research areas within the field of practicing science education, practicing mathematics education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) education. This journal serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their insights, findings, and innovations in the realm of STEM/STEAM education. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
- Pedagogical Innovations: Articles focusing on novel teaching and learning strategies, methods, and approaches in STEM/STEAM disciplines. This may include the use of technology, active learning techniques, flipped classrooms, design thinking, engineering design process, problem-based learning, and project-based learning.
- Curriculum Development: Research on the design, implementation, and assessment of STEM/STEAM curricula at various educational levels, from K-12 to higher education. This may encompass interdisciplinary and integrated STEM/STEAM programs.
- Assessment and Evaluation: Studies on the development and validation of assessment tools, strategies for formative and summative evaluation, and approaches to measuring student achievement and learning outcomes in STEM/STEAM subjects.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Research exploring efforts to enhance diversity and inclusivity in STEM/STEAM education, with a focus on underrepresented groups, gender equity, and accessibility for all learners.
- Teacher Professional Development: Articles on strategies, programs, and initiatives aimed at improving the skills, knowledge, and practices of STEM/STEAM educators. This may include workshops, mentoring, and ongoing training.
- Educational Technology: Exploration of the integration of technology in STEM/STEAM education, including the use of virtual labs, online resources, educational apps, and virtual reality for enhancing teaching and learning.
- Innovative Learning Environments: Research on the design of physical and virtual learning spaces that promote engagement, collaboration, and active participation in STEM/STEAM subjects.
- Interdisciplinary Research: Studies that bridge multiple STEM/STEAM disciplines and foster interdisciplinary collaboration in education and research.
- STEM/STEAM Outreach and Engagement: Articles discussing initiatives and programs that promote STEM/STEAM awareness and interest among students, particularly at the pre-college level.
- Policy and Advocacy: Analysis of policies, regulations, and initiatives at local, national, and international levels that impact STEM/STEAM education, along with advocacy efforts to improve STEM/STEAM education.
- Case Studies and Best Practices: Real-world examples of successful STEM/STEAM education programs, projects, and practices that can serve as models for others.
- Innovations in Assessment: Developments in assessing student learning in STEM/STEAM, including alternative assessment methods, formative assessment techniques, and the use of big data and analytics in education.
- Ethical Considerations: Exploration of ethical issues and dilemmas in STEM/STEAM education, such as responsible conduct of research, ethics in technology use, and equity in STEM/STEAM.
- Future Trends and Emerging Technologies: Articles that anticipate and discuss upcoming trends, challenges, and technologies that will shape the future of STEM/STEAM education.
The "Journal of Innovation, Advancement, and Methodology in STEM Education" or Journal of IAMSTEM aims to foster a rich and diverse discourse in the field, promoting research-based practices and innovations that contribute to the improvement of STEM/STEAM education at all levels. It encourages collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers to advance the quality and accessibility of STEM/STEAM education worldwide.
Peer review process
Articles submitted for publication must never have been previously published or currently under review at another journal. Each paper is reviewed by the editor and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to at least three independent reviewers for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as consultation between relevant Editorial Board members and the editors then decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.
Publication frequency
The Journal of IAMSTEM provides an academic platform for work in the fields of STEM/STEAM Education. The Journal of IAMSTEM publishes 6 issues annually. These include:
- Issue 1 (January - February)
- Issue 2 (March - April)
- Issue 3 (May - June)
- Issue 4 (July - August)
- Issue 5 (September - October)
- Issue 6 (November - December)
Publisher: ASEAN Research Network on STEM Education