Development and Validation of Bite-Size Videos in Teaching Earthquakes among Grade 6 Learners

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Musliha Salic
Joy Magsayo
Monera Salic-Hairulla
Jun Karren Caparoso
Ellen Castro
Sotero Malayao, Jr.


Education is changing, which is reflected in the incorporation of STEM and the development of digital scientific discourses, which are both manifestations of the changes currently occurring in the educational system. This study highlights the incorporation of STEM education through Bite-sized video, or BSV, a type of micro-video deemed interesting due to its concise and clear format. Relevant content is efficiently 'chunk-ified' into digestible informational bites. The development of BSVs for teaching earthquakes was a collaborative effort, with the six Grade 6 teachers handling Science playing a crucial role. Their insights from the pre-assessment and suggestions on how to improve existing videos were instrumental in shaping the BSVs. The need to implement interventions, such as creating a brief contextualized interactive video, ideally under ten minutes, with a Filipino speaker speaking with the usual pacing and using simple words, was identified. Furthermore, the BSVs on earthquakes were developed based on the Multimedia Development Life Cycle model by Luther incorporated with the Multimedia Principles to improve the conceptual understanding of earthquakes, which was revealed as one of the least learned competencies for Grade 6 in Science. The developed BSVs were evaluated by a panel of evaluators as 'Excellent' ((M = 3.61) in terms of content, cognitive load, engagement, and technical design. Revisions were also made based on the suggestions of experts. By offering a visually stimulating, dynamic, and interactive method that aids in the comprehension of intricate geological ideas and processes, the development of BSVs about earthquakes elevates STEM education. This, in turn, adds to the learners’ conceptual understanding, fostering a sense of community among educators.
Keywords: Bite-Size Videos, Multimedia Principles, STEM, Development

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