Analysis of Ethnostem Content in Making Jenang Kudus a Science Learning Resource for Junior High School Students

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Sulasfiana Alfi Raida
Irma Yuniar Wardhani
Aulia Dina Kharisa
Noor Handayani


Implementing meaningful learning for students is a challenge in science learning in junior high schools. One solution is integrating the ethnoSTEM approach to connect science concepts with local culture. This study aims to analyze the ethnoSTEM content in the production process of Jenang Kudus as a source of science learning on additives in junior high schools. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. The research sample involved 15 people from a population of 36 workers at the Jenang Kudus Garuda and Kharisma production houses in the Kudus Regency. The results showed that the manufacture of Jenang Kudus integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with local wisdom. The production process uses natural ingredients such as glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, coconut milk, and natural thickeners, which support students' understanding of natural and artificial additives. Using modern production tools such as mixers and flour grinding machines increases production efficiency, reflecting the elements of technology and engineering in ethnoSTEM-based learning. The process of making Jenang Kudus can be an effective source of science learning, support STEM literacy, and preserve local culture, thus motivating students to understand and apply science concepts in everyday life. This study is limited to providing learning resources in the form of ethnoSTEM content in the production process of Jenang Kudus. Further research is needed to analyze the influence of the ethnoSTEM approach on science learning outcomes and the development of learning tools and media that support the ethnoSTEM approach in junior high school science learning.

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