The Investigation of The Challenges in Teaching English Encountered by The Teachers at Sittwe University of Rakhine State, Myanmar


  • Ven. Viriya Faculty of Humanity, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Weerakarn Kanokkamares Faculty of Humanity, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Investigation, Challenges, Teaching English Encountered, Rakhine State


The objectives of this study are 1) to investigate the challenges encountered by the teachers in teaching English at Sittwe University of Rakhine State, Myanmar, 2) to analyze the methods to overcome the challenges, and 3) to propose better solutions for the teachers who are teaching English at Sittwe University of Rakhine State, Myanmar. The tools applied for this research, are documentary sources and in-depth interviews. This research was qualitative and documentary method with two parts of data collection; the first is an interview with the teachers, and second is to study from textbooks, thesis, and academic journals. The target group consists of five persons who are teaching English at Sittwe University and a content analysis was applied.

The result of research was that challenges encountered by the teachers in teaching English, were about students, classrooms, lessons, and time. The methods employed by the teachers to overcome the challenges, were the transformations, attempt, roll-call system, prizing system, asking open questions, carefully arrangements, gestures, writing on the board, repeat, communication language teaching method, activities, punishment, extra curriculum activities, cooperation learning method, direct method, and divided among mini-classes.


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