Effect of Service Marketing Mix Toward Cosmetic Purchasing Decisions Through the Online Platform of Lampang Rajabhat University Students, Mueang Lampang District, Lampang Province
Marketing Mix, Decision Making, Cosmetics, Online ShoppingAbstract
The objectives of this research were (1) to study consumer behaviors and decision-making factors in purchasing cosmetics online students in Lampang Rajabhat University and (2) to study service marketing mix factors influencing decisions to purchase cosmetics online by students in Lampang Rajabhat University. The sample was 378 students from Lampang Rajabhat University who purchased cosmetics through the online platform. The research tool was a questionnaire using statistics to analyze the data to find the frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were used to analyze multiple regression coefficients. The result showed that service marketing mix factors on the product had the highest average, followed by place, process, physical evidence, people, and price, respectively. All elements had a high level of opinion content. 4 factors of service marketing mix factors in terms of promotion, people, process, and physical evidence influence cosmetic purchasing decisions through the online platform, statistically significant at the 0.01 level
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