Conceptual Frameworksบทคัดย่อ
The conceptual frameworks and broad scope of political science are examined in this paper, along with the fundamental theories, techniques, and strategies that support the study of politics in all of its forms. We examine the interdisciplinary nature of political science and its implications for comprehending governance, power dynamics, social change, and policy-making processes by drawing on insights from normative political theory, comparative politics, international relations, public policy analysis, political methodology, political economy, and political sociology. By analyzing diverse conceptual frameworks and methodological techniques, we aim to enhance our comprehension of intricate political phenomena in diverse settings, areas, and eras. Political scientists can address urgent societal issues, support evidence-based policymaking, and advance the field's body of knowledge by utilizing interdisciplinary perspectives and analytical tools. In the end, this essay emphasizes the value of conceptual frameworks and the broad field of political science in enhancing our comprehension of politics and governance and encouraging civic engagement and democratic government.
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