The Marine Biome STEM Education Learning Activity: Mollusca Shell Recycling

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Kanha Long
Ren Vong
Solinda Roeurn
Sokuntheary Chorn
Pechleakena Nak
Sam Ol Kong
Kimsron Srieng


The paper was clarified the practice of STEM education based on the learning activities of recycling the marine-Mollusca-shell. The STEM learning activity was adopted from the Sutaphan and Yuenyong's (2019). The presented result was provided (a) the knowledge of classification the Mollusca by using the external structure of shell and (b) the experiences of using STEM education to improve ability of practice in problem-solving skills. In addition, it was also allowed the students teachers the chances to discuss how they integrate among related subjects for learn the contents and skills through the STEM education. In conclusion, it was showed that STEM education could guide the learners to explore on how to solve problems or create new produces and also improve their skills to be the learner of the 21st century education.

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