Development of Contextualized STEM Module on Biodiversity for Grade 10 Students

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Laura Francisco
Monera A. Salic-Hairulla
Liza A. Adamat
Joy Bagaloyos
Ronaldo Orbita


One common problem faced by science students is their low mastery of content knowledge in Biology specifically explaining how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of organisms in changing environments. With this, the researcher developed a contextualized STEM module that explained the impact of contextualized teaching aids and localized teaching resources on enhancing students’ performance in learning Biodiversity. The researcher adapted and modified the Borg and Gall Model (1983) as part of the research and development process for developing the contextualized STEM module in Biodiversity. Before the development of the contextualized STEM module, a need assessment was done for the school administrators/coordinators and Science teachers of the target schools. The results served as the bases for the development of the contextualized STEM module in Biodiversity, which underwent face validation by the thesis adviser and panel members and expert validation by five (5) In-service Science teachers. The developed contextualized STEM module was rated Very Satisfactory with a mean of 3.90.

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