Maurice Ravel’s Life And Piano Works : Sonatine


  • Monthien Runghiran Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University


In the early twentieth century, there were reactions against the Germanic romantic music known as the Wagnerian style. Many national schools were founded, and many composers responded in different ways. One of these was Impressionism, which is one movement of attractive and unconventional nationalistic music. Maurice Ravel, a key impressionist composer, produced an attractive music direction to be studied, including his solo piano masterpieces such as Sonatine. Despite the traditional form of this song. Its harmony, melody, accompaniment texture, and concept were very different from the German style until it eventually became a valuable masterpiece to be studied for playing, self-study, or as a selection for teaching in Thailand to create a variety
of classical music classes. This article aims to introduce Maurice Ravel in brief and to present the analysis of Sonatine for self-study and for teaching support.


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How to Cite

Monthien Runghiran. (2023). Maurice Ravel’s Life And Piano Works : Sonatine. วารสารดนตรีบ้านสมเด็จฯ, 4(2), 139–154. สืบค้น จาก